Auteur Sujet: Bento Remix Email Client  (Lu 7888 fois)

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Hors ligne WilliamKC

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Bento Remix Email Client
« le: 21 janvier 2014 à 19:34:17 »
I noticed that Bento Remix does not come with a default email client. Of course I also understand the idea is to keep it small. I have spent quite a bit of time looking into and measuring the size to feature ratio of lightweight email clients. Melodie, you should take a look at including Sylpheed as an email client that ships with your distro. It weighs in at under 2 megabytes installed so your latest remix would still fit on a CD, it is easy to set up, and has all the basic features the majority of people use.

Just a thought!


Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento Remix Email Client
« Réponse #1 le: 21 janvier 2014 à 20:17:52 »
Hi William,

Welcome on the Linuxvillage forum!

This is an early alpha iso meant to suit the ToriOS project. In fact there are still too many programs in it. I am planning to restart from the basis: with Ubuntu Mini Remix.

I have done it fast last night, knowing that the fastest way to slim it down was removing all the heaviest packages added since the former version of Bento RC.

Bento originally has Sylpheed installed, with Sylpheed localisation package, and also bogofilter, gpgme…

The full list is presented here:

Bento is an Ubuntu Remix using mainly the lightweight Openbox window manager as a desktop.

It has been developed since 2012 around the Openbox window manager and features a dynamic applications menu via openbox-menu.

This distribution aims at providing all users with a system relying on Ubuntu and using Openbox window manager without sacrificing ease of use. It is a distribution easy to customize as a bento, and is designed to be working out of the box and used as is by the new users, while still being perfectly suitable for the advanced ones who likes to reshape the entire desktop. It is built on Ubuntu 12.04 to ensure a strong and reliable base for everyday computer usage.

The install comes with the programs Abiword and Gnumeric for the office programs, Gthumb to manage your pictures, Midori to surf the Web, Sylpheed for email, bogofilter for a spam filter, Cups, system-config-printer-gnome and other programs for easy printer configuration, Transmission for a torrent client, the multimedia player and collection manager Xnoise, because it is small and powerful. Are also installed some tools for accessibility which are available in the repositories. A more complete list of applications is available at the end of this page.

Bento RC versions are all a little under 700MB to fit in CD-R.
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