Auteur Sujet: ToriOS a new project around Openbox  (Lu 11151 fois)

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ToriOS a new project around Openbox
« le: 16 janvier 2014 à 21:23:46 »
A full presentation of the ToriOS project can be found here: Meet ToriOS.

I am pleased to announce the beginning of a new era for Old Hardware and a possible replacement for Windows XP and a potential strong system for NON-PAE machines.
And, I'd like to this opportunity and yet again announce that Bento Ubuntu Remix Founder will join forces with ToriOS team. Most likely these two projects will be merged into one project.

amjjwad is a well known contributor at the Ubuntu community, and he is the one behind the idea of creating ToriOS. He accepted to join the Linuxvillage forum lately and to consider an offer I did to join our forces around a project which looked to me very similar to Bento. He is seconded in the task of developing this project by WilliamKC, who also joined the present forum recently.

A nice part which this project will benefit, especially later when it will be time to work on a version based on Trusty, is that some contributors have decided to provide a non pae kernel as a PPA! As many of you probably know, the Ubuntu main repositories now provide only pae versions of the kernel, while the only non pae still alive and available is for Precise. It is the linux image 3.2.0-(57 actually), and this is the last one which will be ever available.  The non pae kernel which is going to be available for next versions of Ubuntu is one of the 3.11 series. We will bring more information about it quite soon.

Several persons have already joined the ToriOS project to bring in their know-how:

All are welcome to join and offer their help!


« Modifié: 17 février 2014 à 11:25:53 par mélodie »
Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : ToriOS a new project around Openbox
« Réponse #1 le: 24 janvier 2014 à 14:13:35 »

As recently amjjawad (Ali) sent a mail to the ToriOS list explaining he had to leave for some time:

and he previously told the list to just the project is on hold,  no one on the list knows if the project continues or does not continue. Possibly, after a while the people who started to work on it will just move to something else and won't be back there even if later it restarts.

My involving in that project will also cease, as Bento can continue the way it has been going on since the beginning. However, I would be interested to open it to other contributions, and have it become a full community project. For this reason and because here at Linuxvillage it has impulsed mostly no interest, I will contact other teams.

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.