Auteur Sujet: Recommended Free to Play Linux supported games on Steam  (Lu 10288 fois)

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Hors ligne HereticLocke

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Recommended Free to Play Linux supported games on Steam
« le: 24 décembre 2013 à 23:49:44 »
Here is a list of games I recommend. You can download them from Steam for free:

Dota 2

Dota 2 is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), the goal of the game is to destroy your opponents tower. Sounds easy? Not really because it is challenging, but fun. It is a game of strategy and just rushing into an opponents' territory will get you killed quickly. Teamwork is the key to victory. A match usually lasts thirty minutes, but it can go on for hours. 

Team Fortress 2

I will probably never understand why this game is so popular. Quite frankly, I do not enjoy TF2. Maybe I will learn to like it eventually. Regardless of my feelings concerning the game, you should give it a shot and see if you like it. You have nothing to lose, it is free.

No More Room in Hell

NMRiH is the closest thing Linux gamers have to Telltale Games' 'The Walking Dead' at least that's what I like to think. When NMRiH arrived on the Steam platform in October I was excited. Not only because it was a F2P game but it also had Linux support! The game is entertaining but playing online bores me, so I usually play locally. There are maps you can pick from to play in, if playing locally. The Zombies are slow, but once they grasp you, it's sometime hard to break free. You can also choose a character to play with, one being my favorite - Patrick Bateman, the serial killer  from 'American Psycho.'  This game is bloody and if you do not like Zombies in general, it is not for you. It also may scare most gamers, I recommend to just play with the lights on!

[Estranged: Act I] COMING SOON

I am very excited to play the first installment of Estranged next year. Like NMRiH, Estranged is a mod of Half-Life 2 (which by the way is a fantastic game that you should purchase). I haven't played it outside of Steam but I have read nothing but positive reviews of it and I expect just that. I am looking forward to it, I enjoy games with great stories and Estranged looks like a "mouse clicker." Get it?

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Recommended Free to Play Linux supported games on Steam
« Réponse #1 le: 26 décembre 2013 à 22:01:07 »
Hello HereticLocke!

Welcome to this little Linuxvillage!

Thank you for the links, and if you have more, just come back.

Merry Christmas and Happy end of year!
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