A new Bento Village is online since October 10th. There is a new image for the boot of the Live, (thanks to mimas), all up to date, tested in Virtualbox and in a laptop IBM T60. What has been tested is the install, the wifi, and it's about it. As always, the dynamic Applications menu can allow going with different setups:
It contains the same programs as in the former small versions: a text editor, (Mousepad), a web browser, (Midori), and many tools for the system and preferences settings. (The above menus show Libreoffice, which is not provided in this one version).
Here is the link to the ISO:
http://tyruiop.eu/~melodie/Downloads/ISOS/LinuxVillage/UbuntuPS: next one soon, hopefully with a new first image at the boot of the Live.
http://askubuntu.com/questions/10258/how-to-change-live-cd-splash-screenThanks to caymus for pointing me to this page!