Auteur Sujet: Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin  (Lu 67493 fois)

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #45 le: 02 février 2013 à 13:44:35 »
Okok, but when you start Synaptic in the Live CD, do you see the applications in the categories ? In pclinuxos I was never cleaning the related parts because then I could not use the Live CD to demonstrate the power of the Linux distributions through the sight of the  available applications. The effect I was expecting to produce was broken.

« Modifié: 02 février 2013 à 13:51:16 par mélodie »
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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #46 le: 02 février 2013 à 13:56:35 »
I haven't tried Synaptic in the live cd - I'm in the process of remastering a test on this.  Literally - it's at 18%!!  I have cleared a large part of /var/cache and /var/lib, saving 240mb and winding up with a size according to "df -m" of 1444mb.  I'll let you know how it pans out.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #47 le: 02 février 2013 à 14:05:30 »
On my side I am going to make the screenshots I told you about earlier, using Synaptic to detect more packages and files to be removed.

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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #48 le: 02 février 2013 à 14:21:24 »
The remaster failed - booted to a user login which is not something I have seen in a while.  Too tired to try again tonight - I'll try again tomorrow.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #49 le: 02 février 2013 à 16:12:12 »

To clean from within Synaptic, first in the left column, at the bottom part, select "Status", once done, in the left column upper part, if there is such an entry select "Installed (auto removable)" - this entry appears only if some packages can be safely removed -

If there are several in the main part of the window at the right side, select the first, press Shift, select the last, they are now all selected (or select one and use "Ctrl+a") : then right-click on them and use the "Mark for complete removal" option, then hit the "Apply" button located under the menus.

Here is what it looks like at this stage:

Next, you will want to remove the configuration files left behind. In the left column, still with the same "Status" entry, upper part of the left column, hit "Not installed (residual config)".

Select any entry you will find there, with the right-click menu on the selection(s) hit "Mark for complete removal", hit "Apply".

Next, it will be about orphans!

First, install the deborphans package.
Two, at the top menu go to Settings > Filters

Once there look at the following screenshots:

Once this configured,

and you can find out more orphans after you remove the first ones:

You can continue until no more orphans are left.

« Modifié: 02 février 2013 à 16:15:09 par mélodie »
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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #50 le: 03 février 2013 à 00:41:34 »
I have to get the  remaster to work before I can check anything out with Synaptic.  This is all very experimental - falls into the category of "What happens if I do this...oops!"  The remaster probably failed due to what I removed from /var - if it doesn't want to come good I'll just do a clean reinstall, update from the changelog and then see if I can break it again.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #51 le: 03 février 2013 à 00:51:24 »

What I posted above is all very secure, and can allow you to recover much space. I think when you will have gone through and seen the result, we will have to add details in it to make a "tips and tricks" tutorial.

I suggest you get back to your RC2 version and work on it with this ?

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Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #52 le: 03 février 2013 à 00:53:34 »
Odd, if the source OS is working OK .

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #53 le: 03 février 2013 à 14:30:30 »
In the end I have decided to leave /var alone.  No great benefit comes out of trying to reduce its size - the broken remaster was 387mb compressed, but 40mb is promptly reinstalled on "apt-get update" after install.  In the end there is only about a saving of about 25mb on the ISO.  As for using Synaptic and deborphan to try and save some space, again, hardly worth the effort.  Remember, this is a clean build, so theoretically no crud and cruft should have accumulated.  There is always the previous build to fall back on if the system totally borks - like in this case.  I obviously removed something from /var/cache that upset Remastersys - there was an error message at the start of the process which I missed first time around.  Typically when I use Bleachbit after having done "apt-get clean" and "apt-get autoremove" I only find a mb or less to remove.

By the way, an updated VillageLinux_RC2 is being  uploaded - it has the extra file support for Gparted.  Should be all up in the next hour or two. 
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #54 le: 03 février 2013 à 14:42:52 »
By the way, an updated VillageLinux_RC2 is being  uploaded - it has the extra file support for Gparted.  Should be all up in the next hour or two.

I'll be looking forward to it, and mirror it at once. Would you send me a mail to notify me when ready for download ?


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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #55 le: 03 février 2013 à 16:58:19 »
Changelog Update - 3rd Feb 2013

I have uploaded a bug-fix/extras Village_RC2.  Same download location and no version change.  Changes are as follows -
  • Fixed the network mount glitch that can cause Thunar to pause on start.  Thunar and gigolo still work together fine. Just click the network share and it will mount and stay mounted for the session.
  • Installed numlockx to allow numlock to turn on at boot.  Default is OFF due to some laptop incompatabilities.  Edit autostart to switch on.
  • Edited Remastersys to allow a "Boot to RAM" option in the live cd/usb device.
  • Removed Azenis icon theme and installed MeliaeSVG.  Retained Tango as root icon theme, plus it fills the gaps that MelaieSVG leaves.
  • Did a couple of cosmetic changes to Tint2.
  • Added extra file support for Gparted - includes btrfs; ext2, 3, 4; fat16, 32; hfs, hfs+; jfs; linux-swap; nilfs2; ntfs; reiser4; reiserfs; xfs.
  • Grub splash image is back to Debian generic.  Need to work on a new image.

Just out of curiosity, this remaster is of  LinuxVillageRC_2 fully installed to usb stick, updated, added to, remastered, then dd'ed to another stick to test boot.  The ISO was then uploaded.  I'm starting to like using usb sticks for building and testing spins - adds a whole new and portable dimension.
« Modifié: 03 février 2013 à 17:03:32 par Taco.22 »
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #56 le: 03 février 2013 à 22:22:33 »

I have downloaded and now I try it in Virtualbox. I choose to boot to the first entry but it does not move an eyelash yet. Very strange... Is the link from your first post the right one ?

/Edit : configured pae in vbox now it boots... of course !

/Edit 2 : at install time after I am prompted to choose a keybaord layout the installer still provides the qwerty layout, so when I want to type "m" I gt ";" instead !  :-\

Could you tell me if there is a mean to get Remastersys installer switch to other languages ? Could we have a pot file, or such thing allowing the members to work on translations for further/future contribution to the Remastersys project ?

« Modifié: 03 février 2013 à 22:39:30 par mélodie »
Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #57 le: 04 février 2013 à 00:10:34 »
The second option in the Live Installer is to set language and keyboard.  It is quite comprehensive, and I had no problems just now installing a French version with appropriate keyboard layout.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #58 le: 04 février 2013 à 08:48:58 »
The second option in the Live Installer is to set language and keyboard.  It is quite comprehensive, and I had no problems just now installing a French version with appropriate keyboard layout.


Once installed : yes, there is the right keyboard and so on. What I was pointing is that once this setup is done, the installer itself still has qwerty, which is a lack of comfort to do the rest : after so many years I am used to searching the "m" under the "," keyboard key, or the 1 where I have my & key. But most people don't know how to do that. Therefore if you could ask the dev at the Remastersys forum if he could add a "change language and keyboard" feature in the installer itself that would be nice. (Other installers do have it : once the setup is done, the installer is automatically setup to the chosen language/country/timezone/and keyboard).

While I am here : I finished installing it to vbox last night, all went fine, very nice look, I'll have to go deeper, but I first found the entry for the installer is still in the menus after install ; and I started Synaptic to seek for "Not installed (residual config)" // as I explained here:
Next, you will want to remove the configuration files left behind. In the left column, still with the same "Status" entry, upper part of the left column, hit "Not installed (residual config)".

Select any entry you will find there, with the right-click menu on the selection(s) hit "Mark for complete removal", hit "Apply".

and I found a long list of residual config files to be removed. Then it was time for sleep...

I suggest again you go through the tutorial I did for the cleanings in three steps in Synaptic, and well maybe you will let me know how that goes ?

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin
« Réponse #59 le: 05 février 2013 à 00:05:32 »
I have been in touch with fragadelic and an installer in multiple languages is in the pipeline - he's just not sure when.  I think he is still the sole developer, so it is a hell of a job he's doing.

The installer and the other Remastersys menu entries remain after install because the gui software has been installed.  Otherwise they are command line only.  If the installer was command line but an icon was available on the live cd then that would solve that issue.  Just got to work out how - need a script that removes things on boot of a new system.

When I checked Synaptic on a clean install for "Not installed (residual config)" I found nothing!
What can go wrong !!!