Just found an issue - relies on gtkdialog and Debian no longer list that in the repos!!
AntiX still has it. You may want to download the source to keep locally, too. Add this to sources.list:
# antiX
http://www.daveserver.info/antiX/debs testing full main
After adding the repo, do apt-get update. You'll get a missing key error. To enable the repo key, do as root:
keymissing=452F0C20 && gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys $keymissing && gpg --armor --export $keymissing | apt-key add - && apt-get update
It may take a while to get the key. It depends on the server's status. Sometimes I get it right off the bat, other times I have to wait up to a couple of minutes. It failed completely once and I tried again (successfully) the next day. Then apt-get update again to make sure the key took. Install the gtkdialog package, then disable the repo.