Auteur Sujet: Scorpio_2013-2  (Lu 83185 fois)

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Hors ligne Taco.22

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« le: 13 mai 2013 à 01:13:33 »
After much promising and dithering around, and then the issue with remastering, I am pleased to announce that the next edition of Scorpio is out and available for download.

ISO - Scorpio_2013-2                 466mb
md5   Scorpio_2013-2.iso.md5   53kb
To refresh your memories here is the slightly adjusted blurb -
Scorpio is based on Debian Wheezy, using the Stable repos.  It uses pure Openbox, with no panel, icons or "desktop", but it does make use of the dock.  As default there is no title bar decoration - right click on the title bar or use keybindings.  It is designed to run light and fast, and to supply a stable base for further development if required.  But it works great as is!

Lightdm is DM, Thunar is FM; Chromium default browser; text editor is Juffed; terminal is xterm, although there is also urxvt with tabs embedded in the desktop.  There is also lxappearance, gparted, unetbootin, and remastersys.  There is no synaptic - if you need that then su to root and "apt-get install synaptic".  Having done that though you may then be wondering why you needed synaptic in the first place!  By the way, there is no sudo.

Desktop shortcuts are included in the root menu.  Other shortcuts are in a shortcut sub-menu under "Openbox", including for pytyle which does window tiling on the fly.  Also visible in the screenshot is conky and the embedded urxvt terminal.  There has been an extra icon theme added, and there is a "Places" entry in the root menu.

What makes this version different is that it is based on VillageBox, thus it has the language and locale package that was otherwise missing.  Scorpio was the original build, then a modified version done by melodie with the language and locale packages became VillageBox.  I have finally got around to bringing Scorpio into line!  Enjoy.

What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #1 le: 13 mai 2013 à 06:10:54 »

Downloaded to the webspace.

humm... I do have a question, why is your conky showing 4 places on Earth and not your's ? I think I'd like to see Melbourne there. :D
(Or Sydney, or any large known town in Australia)

« Modifié: 13 mai 2013 à 06:20:36 par mélodie »
Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #2 le: 13 mai 2013 à 07:15:58 »
Thanks for mirroring.

About conky time - technically my time is shown at the top, but I know what you mean.  Melbourne is about 2700kms east from here in Pingelly - 300kms further than Moscow is from Paris!  However we are each an hour either side of Tokyo.  If Melbourne replaced Tokyo then the time in the screenshot would be 08:59:51.  I will consider it - I might also replace one of the US cities with something from South America!
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #3 le: 13 mai 2013 à 08:51:24 »
Conky time zones revised - maybe something like this?

What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #4 le: 24 mai 2013 à 16:44:59 »
Scorpio-Nautilus was just an experiment with a different file manager.  It was based on the original Scorpio and I decided that playing with Nautilus was too much like dancing with the devil!  Try the latest Scorpio - it is now based on VillageBox and is fully up-to-date.  I'd be curious as to how wicd performs as we have had different experiences with wireless networking with VillageBox.
« Modifié: 26 mai 2013 à 00:56:31 par mélodie »
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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #5 le: 24 mai 2013 à 18:18:05 »
About wicd, I was mistaken that it's installed by default in a Wheezy LXDE install. The default is network-manager. Just realized that after a fresh netinstall.
« Modifié: 26 mai 2013 à 00:56:19 par mélodie »

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #6 le: 25 mai 2013 à 02:22:10 »
I thought network-manager was the application behind the scenes, and that the optional front-end was between the likes of wicd, network-manager-gnome or network-manager-kde.
« Modifié: 26 mai 2013 à 00:56:09 par mélodie »
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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #7 le: 25 mai 2013 à 09:27:35 »
wicd and network-manager are separate apps. The wicd package is a metapackage that pulls in wicd-daemon. One of the clients has to be selected. However, in my wheezy LXDE installation, marking the wicd metapackage marks the wicd-gtk client as a dependency.

network-manager is the equivalent of wicd-daemon and has a different set of dependencies. Besides several libraries, it depends on lsb-base, wpasupplicant and isc-dhcp-client. avahi-autoipd is suggested and there are several recommends. I know for a fact that the 32bit LXDE metapackage netinstall I did the other day installed network-manager and network-manager-gnome as part of the package. What I'm not sure about is if that's true for all desktops. On my XFCE 64bit install, which has been updated since the beta2 install, wicd is installed. I checked the depends and neither Thunar nor XFCE call for wicd. So, I don't remember if I manually switched from nm to wicd or whether wicd was replaced somewhere during the testing cycle.

« Modifié: 26 mai 2013 à 00:56:00 par mélodie »

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #8 le: 25 mai 2013 à 09:43:32 »
Thanks for clearing up my error - I had confused the contents of a package when researching the wicd/network-manager thing.  I checked my Scorpio system with wicd installed and sure enough there is no network-manager.
« Modifié: 26 mai 2013 à 00:55:17 par mélodie »
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Re : Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #9 le: 30 mai 2013 à 08:59:38 »
Under settings for wicd I entered wlan0 for the wireless device and nothing.  Wicd does not see this device.

I'm not looking at it right now, but I believe you have to click a Refresh button or something similar after entering the wlan0 device in the settings. See if that helps any.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #10 le: 30 mai 2013 à 11:48:15 »
My efforts in setting up wireless is here, with the instructions from djohnston here.  You may have already seen them, but djohnston noted that he had to try a number of times.  Patrick013 on the other hand had no problems - the inconsistency is an issue.  If you have no joy try removing wicd and installing network-manager-gnome, and use the --no-install-recommends.  Unfortunately they are the only two options we have.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #11 le: 30 mai 2013 à 15:59:17 »
I've been blundering around on the net looking for ideas and came across this post about connecting wireless through wicd by setting up an ad-hoc network.  I can't test this but it might work for you.  Also I'd try wicd once installed before replacing it with network-manager-gnome - sometimes installed is different to live.   
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #12 le: 31 mai 2013 à 01:41:03 »
I plan on trying wicd one last time after I install scorpio.

Well don't give up yet.

grep dmesg to see if b43 is there without error.
$dmesg | grep b43
$dmesg | grep wlan

run $netstat -ie in terminal to see if wlan0 is working.

Try  wlan1 in wicd,  I have a distro that defaults to wlan1.

? ? ? ? ?
« Modifié: 31 mai 2013 à 01:44:34 par patrick013 »


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Re : Re : Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #13 le: 31 mai 2013 à 06:50:49 »
Try  wlan1 in wicd,  I have a distro that defaults to wlan1.

+1 Good point. Your device may vary.


htop won't launch from the menu. Error is "Failed to execute child process 'sakura' (No such file or directory)".

Sakura isn't installed. /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator is linked to /usr/bin/lxterm. I tried linking to /usr/bin/urxvt, but it still won't execute from the menu, although it will start from within a terminal. ~/.local/share/applications is empty. The htop.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ has for the exec line:


Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Scorpio_2013-2
« Réponse #14 le: 31 mai 2013 à 13:14:04 »
Citation de: djohnston
htop won't launch from the menu. Error is "Failed to execute child process 'sakura' (No such file or directory)".

Sakura isn't installed. /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator is linked to /usr/bin/lxterm. I tried linking to /usr/bin/urxvt, but it still won't execute from the menu, although it will start from within a terminal. ~/.local/share/applications is empty. The htop.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ has for the exec line:


I take it you are using Villagebox, as Scorpio doesn't show that - don't ask, they share the same base!!  After researching this it seems the only way to fix the problem is to edit the .desktop file htop.  I didn't seem to get quite the right result when reconfiguring update-alternatives.

Su to /usr/share/applications/Htop and edit it thus - "Terminal=true"  to  "Terminal=false"
                                                                                         "Exec=htop"      to   "Exec=xterm -e htop"

Note that the name of the terminal is your choice, but the default is xterm.  Interestingly, before I edited the htop.desktop file, double-clicking on it opened htop in xterm!  Go figure.  Looks like I'll need to retain the edit for remastering.
What can go wrong !!!