Yes! Looks great! If it is easy for you to install, let's try it. If it's hard, please don't worry about it.
This was the hardest part : browse through the admin board (and I am not sure I didn't miss it), then go to the SMF website, put the right keyword and seek in 3 pages of MODs. Then all it takes is making a backup of the forum (with lftp and a db export) and this is easy.
I just tried to install the package : it doesn't work. The security check of the forum said the plugin lacks an "install/uninstall" feature.
Aucune action d'installation ou de désinstallation n'a été définie pour cette version de SMF !
No action defined. I'll have to ask the #smf chan (freenode) about it. Or you can go there and point to here, if you want to, then bring back any useful answer.