Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 16:43Taco.22 wrote:
I'm trying LinuxVillage1-1 at the moment and have hit the Default User issue. How do I get the install to accept a user name? By the way it still has "darrel" as a user in the live cd.
EDIT - error reads
Sorry, failed to set ownership of user directory.
I tried setting up a new user through console, but the installer then says user already exists!
Is this of any use - this page has the complete code for minstall - just a shot in the dark!
EDIT - just tried the install launched from console. At the add user point, after adding a user (ejt) and password (ejt) and setting root, console reads -
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
passwd: user 'demo' does not exist
Installer then quits.
Thanks for reminding me of the extra user account, Taco.22. Because of the condition Melodie's remaster was in to begin with, I chose to make changes in my user account. Whatever worked went into /etc/skel. To double check before doing a remaster, I deleted the guest account, then recreated it so it would pick up the new configurations from /etc/skel. I guess I need to delete darrel as a user, but the problem still remains that the guest user is carried over on installation, too.
Minstall is broken in Melodie's antix-openbox-alpha-1-1 remaster, and is still broken in mine. Because of this, the installation process is tedious. You
can install from this remaster, though. The following is how to do it, if you wish to.
From the boot menu, press F3 to set your timezone. Select antiX-snapshot from the boot menu.
Login as user guest. Password is guest. Click the Installer icon on the desktop. Root's password is root.
Proceed with the installation as normal. The problem occurs at the user creation step. Go ahead and create a new user and password for that user. Enter a password for root, too.
Once you click the Next button, you will get an error message that the new user's home directory ownership cannot be set. Because of this, minstall will not proceed to its logical end.
After clicking the OK button on the error message window, click the Next button in the installer again. This is just to be sure that the user you tried to create actually has a home directory created. You should see the following.
Click Yes to reuse the old home directory. You will then get the same error message that the new user's home directory ownership cannot be set. At this point, the only option left is to click the Close button in the installer window. Shut down the machine from a console or from the menu. The CD will not auto eject at shutdown. The installation has completed as far as you can take it with the installer.
Reboot the machine. At the login window, login as user root and supply the password you assigned for root during the installation process.
You'll be looking at a gray screen with nothing else showing. Right-click to get the menu, and select Terminal emulator. If you list the /home directory, you will see there are two users' directories - guest and the user you created during installation. Enter:
deluser --remove-home guest
deluser darrelWe don't want the guest account or guests' home directory. We don't want the user darrel's account. He has no home directory. Enter:
adduser (the-username-you-chose-during-installation)Substitute the actual username for
(the-username-you-chose-during-installation). Note that the user's home directory already exists, but is currently owned by root. That's okay. It will be corrected.
Note that the groups scanner and lpadmin do not exist. These are system groups and should be added back to the base installation. The last step is to change ownership of your user's home directory. Enter:
chown -R /home/(the-username-you-chose-during-installation)Again, substitute the actual username for
You are done. Logout and login as your new user.