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Easy WiFi Setup
« le: 02 avril 2013 à 23:06:15 »

Just wondering about WiFi........What is the app called that pops up when you want to connect to a WiFi hotspot? It scans all the networks and lets you pick one, then enter a password and done. It will also automatically connect whenever you are near that network.

I installed a copy of my little Bobcat distro and found out I cant connect to my WiFi unless I know all the mac, mask crud. I like the automatic stuff that is in most distros.


Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Easy WiFi Setup
« Réponse #1 le: 03 avril 2013 à 00:01:16 »
Just wondering about WiFi........What is the app called that pops up when you want to connect to a WiFi hotspot? It scans all the networks and lets you pick one, then enter a password and done. It will also automatically connect whenever you are near that network.


Never had a problem with Wicd but I heard wifi-radar was quite simple.
