if you want to try installing it again one day future and seek help on a dedicated thread, maybe would you agree to bring detailed information about your hardware, and about the method you use to install it. Then we might have a chance to find out why it does not work on this machine of yours (is it an exotic hardware?)
No, that's OK. Debian stuff installs but takes forever without a swap, then it's OK.
Arch stuff installs but kernel panics on boot. Same with Slackware and several others
I tried. No big deal today. BSD stuff installs but panics my machine lately too. Same
way I install everything else. Menu.lst settings and so forth.
Surprisingly, Fedora installs like a champ, but their latest stuff is so developmental
I crash frequently after install.
Debian, PCLinuxOS, Fedora, Slitaz, Porteus, AntiX, TinyCore, all install. But not
Damn Small Linux, Arch stuff, Slackware, or BSD.
It's just an ASUS netbook with Atom 1.6 processor, very standard hardware overall.
Enough excellent distros install I really don't care about the others then. I've thought maybe
they need a fixed drive to install to rather than a flash, but, once again, with the
stuff that does install trouble free Linux is working for me.
thanks for the response.