Auteur Sujet: Password for Remastersys iso  (Lu 64410 fois)

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Hors ligne patrick013

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Password for Remastersys iso
« le: 15 février 2013 à 23:16:05 »
When I made an iso of VB I changed the live username.
Didn't ask for a password.   Anyway, the iso wants a name
and password to finish booting.

So, what do I tell it ?




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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #1 le: 16 février 2013 à 00:16:29 »
As far as I know, you are hosed at this point. I think that this is a bug that the programmer can not get past. Try not making a live version and use the backup instead. Just use a name and password like guest, guest or user, user. This is what I did for GambOS, the end user can still install the iso and pick his own name and password at install.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #2 le: 16 février 2013 à 02:04:19 »
Which option did you choose for remastering - "dist" or "backup".  If backup just use the user name and password that the system was built with.

If "dist", then something broke in the build and it needs to be thrown away.  What changes, other than the live username, have you made to the system before remastering, and are you using a virtual machine or bare metal?

Just out curiosity, why did you change the live username?  I've not done that before, but I have changed the Live System Name without issue.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #3 le: 16 février 2013 à 02:22:59 »
Which option did you choose for remastering - "dist" or "backup".  If backup just use the user name and password that the system was built with.


If "dist", then something broke in the build and it needs to be thrown away.  What changes, other than the live username, have you made to the system before remastering, and are you using a virtual machine or bare metal?

The live username is the only thing I changed, also the filename for the iso, but
that shouldn't matter.    It's 1.9 GB on a 7.2 GB flash drive partition.   Iso was a
little over 500 MB's.

Just out curiosity, why did you change the live username?  I've not done that before, but I have changed the Live System Name without issue.

Don't know, just felt like changing it.   

Redid the iso but it's still messed up.   Ran pwck and grpck, changed the live
username, ran pwck and grpck again, then redid the iso.

What's the correct name for the live username ?    Maybe it needs that
specific name.

thanks for the response.


Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #4 le: 16 février 2013 à 03:10:58 »
What's the correct name for the live username ?

What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #5 le: 16 février 2013 à 10:14:38 »
Patrick - could you list exactly what changes you made to the VillageBox install that you then tried to remaster.  Also the hardware that you remastered on and the file system used.  I will replicate as best I can and see what the result is. 

EDIT - probably this goes for everybody.  Download the VillageBox ISO, install it onto a physical medium like a hard drive or flash drive and then do a remaster.  Don't change anything!!  Then see if it wants to boot as it should.  We will then have a base level to work from.  If the remaster doesn't work then we have to look at hardware and/or other issues.  If the remaster works then we know that the base is fine.  After that we can work out what changes are or aren't working.  But we need a uniform base to work from.
« Modifié: 16 février 2013 à 11:23:44 par Taco.22 »
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #6 le: 16 février 2013 à 21:18:29 »
Patrick - could you list exactly what changes you made to the VillageBox install that you then tried to remaster.  Also the hardware that you remastered on and the file system used.  I will replicate as best I can and see what the result is. 

EDIT - probably this goes for everybody.  Download the VillageBox ISO, install it onto a physical medium like a hard drive or flash drive and then do a remaster.  Don't change anything!!  Then see if it wants to boot as it should.  We will then have a base level to work from.  If the remaster doesn't work then we have to look at hardware and/or other issues.  If the remaster works then we know that the base is fine.  After that we can work out what changes are or aren't working.  But we need a uniform base to work from.

After changing the config to show the live username as debianbox the new iso
failed to boot.   That was the only change I made to remastersys.    The other
stuff on the VB install is just some programs, etc..    Used ext3 plus extent,
installed lxpanel, pcmanfm, put pcmanfm in charge of the desktop, turned off
gigolo and thunar daemons, the other programs are just client software.
Changing the live username just knocks out autologin looks like.

This is an Asus EeePC900 with 1.6 Atom.   The VB install is on a 8 GB flash drive.
The remaster ran well, only about half an hour, about 500 MB's.    Installed
the iso to a 8 GB flash drive with unetbootin formatted FAT 32.

Don't know what else I can tell you.   This live username thing...just lock it at
one value if possible.

What else you need to know ?



Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #7 le: 16 février 2013 à 22:25:53 »

I would not consider Virtualbox safe for performing remasters. I use it for test purpose such as seeing if a box works well, installs well, or to make tests in Windows machines, or check a website in a windows os where reigns the blue 'e'. ;)

What about using Taco's method, in flash drives, or in a machine on "bare metal"? (Or did I misunderstood ? Haven't you tried to remix/remaster in a Virtualbox machine?)

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Hors ligne patrick013

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Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #8 le: 16 février 2013 à 23:41:10 »

I would not consider Virtualbox safe for performing remasters. I use it for test purpose such as seeing if a box works well, installs well, or to make tests in Windows machines, or check a website in a windows os where reigns the blue 'e'. ;)

What about using Taco's method, in flash drives, or in a machine on "bare metal"? (Or did I misunderstood ? Haven't you tried to remix/remaster in a Virtualbox machine?)

No, I never use VirtualBox, probably too slow on my machine.

By VB I meant Village Box.     

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #9 le: 16 février 2013 à 23:46:48 »
By VB I meant Village Box.

I suspected I had not understood something. Thanks for clearing. :)

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #10 le: 16 février 2013 à 23:57:22 »
Just use a name and password like guest, guest or user, user.

I have read "user" should not be used with Remastersys. However I don't remember if I read this in the FAQ or in the numerous posts pinned at the help section of the Remastersys forum.

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #11 le: 17 février 2013 à 01:04:54 »
Well I'm a bit stumped.  Patrick doesn't sound like he's changed much more than I would when fiddling around with options.  The only things I do differently is that I don't use Unetbootin - I dd using dd if=name_of_iso of=/dev/drive  I don't include other parameters.

Has anyone tried just doing that with VillageBox with no changes - download, dd to live, install and boot?
« Modifié: 17 février 2013 à 05:40:48 par Taco.22 »
What can go wrong !!!


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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #12 le: 17 février 2013 à 05:37:17 »
I haven't tried a USB stick remaster. I did remaster from a VirtualBox installation without problems. The only thing I noticed is the problem with Thunar resurfacing from an update to gvfs which overwrote the old configuration file.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #13 le: 17 février 2013 à 14:02:16 »
The only thing I noticed is the problem with Thunar resurfacing from an update to gvfs which overwrote the old configuration file.


This one looks like a Debian bug. Have you tried to take information from Debian community to know if they met with the same event ? (ie :; Let's not forget that Wheezy is testing and as such suspected bugs may deserve to be checked.

PS: in fact that would make two to check : at Debian testing and at Xfce.

« Modifié: 17 février 2013 à 14:08:13 par mélodie »
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Re : Password for Remastersys iso
« Réponse #14 le: 17 février 2013 à 21:23:50 »
Already documented as far back as May 2011 (and earlier).

Thunar hangs on first launch of each session

ArchWiki documentation of the problem:

Solving problem with slow cold start

There's also this in March 2011 from the XFCE forum.

EDIT: More specifically, one of the recently updated gvfs packages overwrote the changes to the config file /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/network.mount. The only way I know of to solve that is to set the file as immutable.

# chattr +i /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/network.mount
Doing so may cause an apt update problem. I've never tested it.
« Modifié: 17 février 2013 à 21:41:21 par djohnston »