Auteur Sujet: User abuse  (Lu 14078 fois)

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : User abuse
« Réponse #15 le: 14 février 2013 à 22:40:28 »
I don't know the difference ... Yet. A question for you. How do you remaster an Arch installation?

I have never done it but there are methods presented here and there.

Last time I wanted to port my Archlinux install to another machine I went to the next distro on the same hard drive, mounted the Archlinux partitions to a folder and did a tarball which I extracted in my new freshly formatted partition on the other machine. After that I just had to chroot to install the boot manager. (I did the copy of the personal data separately to make a smaller tarball).

This was a fast kind of "remaster" : all depends on the goal. :)

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Re : Re : Re : Re : User abuse
« Réponse #16 le: 15 février 2013 à 03:35:23 »
This was a fast kind of "remaster" : all depends on the goal. :)

Aha! Here's the original question restated: How does one create an installable live CD from an Arch installation?  ;)  It looks like your first link, Remastering_the_Install_ISO, would work.

« Modifié: 15 février 2013 à 03:37:24 par djohnston »