Auteur Sujet: [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool  (Lu 17146 fois)

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Hors ligne melodie

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[Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« le: 19 août 2013 à 01:23:59 »

This tool seems interesting and could perhaps be a replacement for the Remastersys program?

Live Magic is tool for end-users to quickly and easily generate their own Debian live systems. It supports selecting:

    Desktop environment
    The distribution of Debian to build (stable, testing, etc.)
    Media type (ISO9660, USB-HDD image, PXE netboot, etc.)

It is available from the current repositories as a package and also is opened to suggests and bug reports.

How is that?

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Re : [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« Réponse #1 le: 19 août 2013 à 06:39:43 »
It is available from the current repositories as a package and also is opened to suggests and bug reports.
It's not available from the standard repos. The web page for the project states:

This package is neither part of unstable nor experimental. This probably means that the package has been removed (or has been renamed). Thus the information here is of little interest ... the package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and reintroduces it into unstable.
Regardless, this looks good. I'll see what I can find out.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« Réponse #2 le: 19 août 2013 à 13:53:44 »

It seems that only the git repository is available now. This is not so bad, once installed it is possible to provide feedback through github.

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Re : [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« Réponse #3 le: 21 août 2013 à 00:40:19 »
Well, it seems this is a dead project. Chris Lamb's Live Magic page states:

Live Magic is a GUI frontend to the live-helper tool ...
His github bug page has one closed bug listed. Chris responds to the bug poster with:

Please use the Debian BTS, not Github.
As said before, the Debian BTS page states:

This package is neither part of unstable nor experimental. This probably means that the package has been removed (or has been renamed). Thus the information here is of little interest ... the package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and reintroduces it into unstable.
Chris's github page has had no commits since early 2010. Debian's live-helper package page says it is "to ease upgrading from older live-helper packages to the new live-build package." This Debian page, referring to the live-helper package, states:

The package is either very new and hasn't appeared on mirrors yet, or it's an old package that eventually got removed.
The last activity shown on the page occured in August 2010.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« Réponse #4 le: 21 août 2013 à 01:16:14 »
Too bad, I thought I had found a replacement tool. Wouldn't you want to send a mail to the author just in case? (And say "he, do you intend to update it?)  :)

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Re : Re : [Debian spins] GUI frontend to the live-helper tool
« Réponse #5 le: 22 août 2013 à 21:54:01 »
Wouldn't you want to send a mail to the author just in case? (And say "he, do you intend to update it?)  :)

Well, no. The Debian live-helper package no longer exists, and was evidently deprecated in 2010. The author's program is a GUI front end to that live-helper package that no longer exists. After 3 years, I think it's pretty much gone with the wind.