Rumaging around in my box of spare bits I found the debian version of obsession that mimas had posted somewhere - I can't find where so just in case I have it here for download.

I like it!
Your're right about the panel logout command - right click the panel and hit Panel Settings which brings up PanelPreferences(?!?), go to Advanced and fill in the appropriate Logout Command. Nice and simple. I just went an extra step and added a Logout button on the panel which LXDE doesn't supply.
There is another way, but it isn't provided by installing just lxpanel. The shell script /usr/bin/lxde-logout and the desktop file /usr/share/applications/lxde-logout.desktop are provided by the Debian lxde-common package. If that one is installed along with lxpanel, you can create a launcher on the panel. Right-click the lxpanel, select Panel Settings and it shows a window titled "Panel Preferences", just like you said. Instead of selecting the Advanced tab, select the Panel Applets tab. Scroll to the bottom, select "Application Launch Bar" and add it to the panel. Close the window, then right-click the Application Launch Bar you just added to the panel. Select "'Application Launch Bar' Settings" and the window will pop up. You can browse the Available Applications in the right pane and add them to the left pane, thereby adding the application to the App Launch Bar on the panel. Confused yet?
You can add the Logout app, except that it doesn't show in the right pane unless you also installed the lxde-common package. Even then, it doesn't show. Here's why. The desktop file in /usr/share/applications contains the entry:
NoDisplay=trueChange that to:
#NoDisplay=trueAdd a Categories= line, for example:
Categories=System;and it will show up in the System section where you can add it to the Application Launch Bar section of the lxpanel. Oh, and you can have multiple launch bars. When you click the Logout icon in the newly added Application Launch bar on the lxpanel, it will run the shell script /usr/bin/lxde-logout, which in turn calls the compiled executable /usr/bin/lxsession-logout. The executable displays the standard LXDE Shutdown/Reboot/Hibernate/Logout etc. menu.
Come to think of it, the way you did it is a helluva lot easier!

EDIT: I believe the source code for /usr/bin/lxsession-logout is part of what mimas used to create the obsession package. Very clever, that genius.