I explain how to install:
This is almost as simple as compiling with the user commands "./configure", "make", and su to root to do a "make install" : the last command always installs to /usr/local/* instead of /usr, unless you add this option to the ./configure command : -prefix /usr
Here these steps have been done, all I did is pack a filesystem tree to mimick what is in the system. Here is what the package looks like:
/usr/local/{bin etc games include lib man sbin share src}
under /usr/local/bin you have obsession-exit obsession-logout xdg-autostart (the binaries) and in
/usr/local/share/locale you have the mo compiled files for the languages:
af ast bn cs el es_VE fa fr he id ko ml nl pl pt_BR si sr te tt_RU ur_PK zh_TW
am be bn_IN da en_GB et fi frp hr it lg ms nn ps ro sk sr@latin th uk vi
ar bg ca de es eu fo gl hu ja lt nb pa pt ru sl sv tr ur zh_CN
So to sum up, how to install ?
Copy the whole content of the usr/local directory of this tar.xz archive to the /usr/local directory in your system, and you're done (if you do all the steps in a root console, you will not have to worry about ownership and permissions, I made sure of that when I prepared the archive : so as root "tar xfvJ OBUbuntu-obsession.tar.xz" then cd to the usr/local directory created and "cp -R * /usr/local" should do it).
Then add obsession-logout as the command to shutdown, reboot, sleep, and so on... and you are good to go. (the two other binaries may be used or not, one future day, up to you).
One future day when I will have done a package for it, you will know where it is located and can remove it easily with a "rm -R" as root on the directories in /usr/local.