So here it is, some people have requested it already The basic idea is to have the Pi boot up and automatically run:
- The bluetooth connection
- The Media Player (in this case: MPD)
- The remote control plugin for the remote (in this case: Remuco)
This guide will show you how to set up all of this, and it doesn't cost much! I use it in my car since I have some crappy cassette player (my car is old, the stereo is even older) but I can't really explain how to hook it up to a fully fledged car amp, as I just have a basic audio-in cable popping out of the stereo that I use.
So I will show you how I did it, it is
no way near the easiest and/or simplest way, but it works.. (Should you manage an easier way, please do comment and/or create a new guide! :)
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Step 1: Installing required packages.Note: I use ArchLinux ARM, I'm pretty sure the package names are the same, if not I shall research the debian package names.bluez alsa-utils mpd mpc python2-dbus python2-gobject initscripts remuco (aur)
Step 2: Pairing your bluetooth device.I hope you know that your bluetooth device needs to be visible for this to work :)hcitool scan
bluez-simple-agent hci0 <enter address found by hcitool here>
Step 3: Enabling sound. By default, ArchLinux ARM doesn't have sound by default, Rasbian however, does, if running Raspbian, you can probably skip to the test.. modprobe snd-bcm2835 #Enable the sound module.
echo snd-bcm2835 > /etc/modules-load.d/sound.conf #Enable autoloading of the sound module.
alsamixer #Crank up the volume to the max, unless using a sound output that doesn't have a volume setting.
amixer cset numid=3 <n> #Auto mode doesn't tend to work as you'd like it to, replace n with the number (0=auto, 1=analog, 2=hdmi)
speaker-test -c 2 #Replace 2 by the number of channels you have as outputs, 2 = stereo, 6 = 5.1, 8 = 7.1
Step 4: Setting up MPD. Please refer to for setting up MPD as this depends on your usage of the software, I use it in per-user mode as root, but it's entirely up to you. Step 5: Setting up Remuco. Once you've installed remuco, you should just be able to run 'remuco-mpd' over ssh and test your connection and speakers. Step 6: (Optional) Autostarting. Create a file called '' in your users directory (in my case /root/
mpc clear
mpc search filename "." | mpc add
mpc update
Delete your /etc/rc.conf (if you have just installed initscripts, if not, DON'T do this) and add this line to your /etc/rc.local : sh /root/
(Replace with the location of your This will automatically start MPD and prepare your music player. Starting remuco however is a little different, I shall explain my way of doing this:- Install tightvnc and lxde
- Run 'vncserver :1' then 'vncserver -kill :1' to create the configuration files.
- Add these lines to your users .vnc/xstartup file:
lxterminal &
/usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE &
Now, depending on your startup utilities, you should enable the vncserver startup service by using 'systemctl enable vncserver@service' then edit your /etc/systemd/system/ to use the :1 that you entered earlier. You're done! Feel free to comment for your problems or achievements!