Auteur Sujet: small conky  (Lu 6557 fois)

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Hors ligne patrick013

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small conky
« le: 20 janvier 2013 à 01:47:30 »
Here's a smaller conky that runs good on a black screen.
hwmon, hddtemp, and sensors-detect need to be appropriately
installed.  Colors need to be changed per user pref's, of course.
I'm using this one permanently.     Commented out items are just

minimum_size 50
temperature_unit celsius
net_avg_samples 1
cpu_avg_samples 1
background yes
update_interval 0.7
double_buffer yes
#border_margin 1

own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated, below, sticky, skip_taskbar, skip_pager
gap_x 25
gap_y 50
alignment tr

use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=7:weight=bold
default_shade_color 414a50

no_buffers yes

${color DarkOrange1}${alignc}${time %a,}${time %e %b %G}
${alignc}${time %I:%M %p}
#${color goldenrod}Host:  $nodename
$alignc${color goldenrod}$kernel
${color grey}Freq (in GHz):$alignr${color tan}${freq_g}
#${color goldenrod}CPU:  $machine,  $freq(MHz)
${color cadetblue}$hr
#${color}CPU History:  ${color darkgreen}${cpugraph 30,0 0000ff 00ff00}
${color tan}${cpubar 4,0}
${color grey}CPU Usage:$alignr${color tan}$cpu %
${color grey}CPU Temp:$alignr${color tan}${hwmon 2 temp 1}  C
${color grey}Sys Temp:$alignr${color tan}${hwmon 0 temp 1}  C
${color grey}Fan:$alignr${color tan}${hwmon 1 fan 1}  rpm
${color cadetblue}$hr
${color grey}RAM Usage:${alignr}${color tan}$memperc %
#${color limegreen}${alignr}${membar 9,40}
#${color grey}RAM Buffered:  ${color}$buffers
#${color grey}RAM Cache:  ${color}$cached
#${color grey}RAM Free:  ${color}$memfree
${color grey}Total RAM:$alignr${color tan}$memmax
${color grey}SWAP Usage:${alignr}${color tan}$swapperc %
${color grey}Tot SWAP:$alignr${color tan}$swapmax
${color cadetblue}$hr
#${if_match "$battery" != ""}
#${color grey}File system used:
# /  $color${fs_used /}  of  ${fs_size /}  ${color goldenrod}${fs_used_perc /}%   ${fs_bar 11 /}
${color grey}HD usage:${alignr}${color tan}${fs_used_perc /} %
#${alignr}${fs_bar 9,40 /}
${color grey}Total HD:$alignr${color tan}${fs_size /}
${color grey}HD Temp${alignr}${color tan}${execi 60 hddtemp -n /dev/sda} C
${color cadetblue}$hr
#${color grey}Network Up:${color lightblue}  ${upspeed wlan0} 
#${color red}${upspeedgraph p2p1 11,0 500 -l}
${color grey}Network:${color lightblue}${alignr}${downspeed wlan0}
#${color red}${downspeedgragh p2p1 11,0 500 -l}
${color cadetblue}$hr
#${color}ACPI Battery: ${color DeepSkyBlue}$battery_short ${battery_bar 11,0}
#${color}Remaining time: ${color DeepSkyBlue}$battery_time
#$alignc${color}Processes:$color $processes  ${color grey}Running:$color $running_processes
#$alignc${color}(top 5 sorted by CPU usage)
#${color goldenrod} NAME              PID    CPU%   MEM%
#${color} ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
#${color} ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
#${color} ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
#${color} ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
#${color} ${top name 5} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
#$alignc${color}(top 5 sorted by MEM usage)
#${color goldenrod} NAME              PID    CPU%   MEM%
#${color} ${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
#${color} ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
#${color} ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
#${color} ${top_mem name 4} ${top_mem pid 4} ${top_mem cpu 4} ${top_mem mem 4}
#${color} ${top_mem name 5} ${top_mem pid 5} ${top_mem cpu 5} ${top_mem mem 5}
${color grey}Uptime:${color DarkOrange1}${alignr}$uptime_short

#${font DejaVu Sans Mono :size=7:weight=bold}${pre_exec cal}${font}
#${execpi 600 xclock -g +0+0 -update 1}


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Re : small conky
« Réponse #1 le: 20 janvier 2013 à 09:38:52 »
Thanks, Patrick. A screenshot would really illustrate the end result. Do you have an image hosting account?

Hors ligne patrick013

  • Membre Senior
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Re : small conky
« Réponse #2 le: 25 janvier 2013 à 22:49:09 »

Here's a pic.    Might look good with some items
added below the stock LV conky items.   

Hors ligne Taco.22

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    • Scorpio_Openbox
Re : small conky
« Réponse #3 le: 25 janvier 2013 à 23:37:54 »
Wow, pretty colours!!

Seriously, I haven't tried that before.  I might have to give it a go.
What can go wrong !!!


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Re : small conky
« Réponse #4 le: 26 janvier 2013 à 04:16:20 »

Hors ligne patrick013

  • Membre Senior
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Re : Re : small conky
« Réponse #5 le: 27 janvier 2013 à 23:23:51 »
Wow, pretty colours!!

Seriously, I haven't tried that before.  I might have to give it a go.

Well lm_sensors gives different sensors for each computer.
Better just to use the config items conky only provides without the
lm_sensor specific by computer items.    Add these items later
seems like it would be the best approach.    Fewer items in the
LV stock conky but at least they would all work to be expanded later
at the users preference.

Perhaps a conky.conf.optional   file in /etc/conky   ?      Tidy it up
with sensors-detect and  who knows.

Someone asks is my fan working, of course your fan is working  !

thanks for the response.


Hors ligne Taco.22

  • Membre Senior
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  • Messages: 391
    • Scorpio_Openbox
Re : small conky
« Réponse #6 le: 28 janvier 2013 à 02:34:33 »
Citation de: patrick013
Perhaps a conky.conf.optional   file in /etc/conky ?

Multiple conky scripts can be set up in Openbox this way.  Create a folder in your /home/user_name folder called .conky.  Put your conky scripts in there.  In the autostart file edit the conky start command as -
## conky system monitor
conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc &

Note the "conkyrc"  - that is whatever name you wish to choose.  The -c parameter allows you to choose a config file over the default ~/.conkrc.   You may have multiple scripts called conky1rc and conky2rc, or maybe one called conky_sensorsrc for example.  Put them all in the ~/.conky folder, and you might write your autostart like this -
## conky
conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc &
#conky -c ~/.conky/conky1rc &
#conky -c ~/.conky/conky2rc &
#conky -c ~/.conky/conky_sensorrc &

Just uncheck the one you want displayed.  If you have an image for conky just put that in the same folder too.
What can go wrong !!!