This has turned out to be one of my most complicated and frustrating forays into the Land of Linux. Who would have thought that something so seemingly simple could prove to be such a herculean task!
I bit the bullet, installed gettext and can now translate mo to po and back again. A mighty useful skill I could add!! Didn't help though. Tackled a locale file for nm but it proved to be very large and way over my head. Besides, what about all the other languages?!? It's not the source of the dialogue and as mimas said, it's in the code itself.
I have been playing around with dunst as a simple notification daemon but it is way worse than conky to configure, once you actually find an rc for the dratted thing! Xfce4-notifyd is easy to use and reconfigure, and uses gtk themes that are easy to edit. It works well and is better than notify-osd, plus it is in the Debian repo.
The big issue in the end is not being able to get access to whatever it is that drives the dialogue in the network pop-up. That was the only reason for this exercise - to find it and modify it. Seems that that is verging on the impossible, unless one is capable of modifying source code. I'm not!
Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions. If nothing else it was a learning curve ... of sorts!!