Manjaro Linux is a distro based on Arch that includes a stand-alone Openbox version. It has the Tint2/Thunar combo, a number of qt apps including qupzilla, and a home-grown package gui called pamac. It also has an app called Obmenu-generator that automatically adds apps to the root menu. More info about that can be found
Manjaro has a neat layout, an attractive conky themeand uses the keybindings that Crunchbang has made standard - like W+t for terminal and W+f for file manager. However the menu feels cluttered and there seems to be some duplication of apps. Why Geany AND Leafpad? Why LXterminal AND xterm? There is a Manjaro Settings Manager but the component parts are also listed as apps. Overall though it feels well thought out. Typical of anything based on Arch it takes a more sophisticated and creative approach to things and this is seen in the applications created by the team. The Obmenu-generator is well worth checking out. It can even be downloaded from the link above. Anyone into perl?
Manjaro website is and the OB download page is