Do you think you could use the #! Cb-welcome script to instal office and other apps so you can keep the distro smaller?
I don't know yet of what use it is. In Ubuntu, there are Synaptic, and Ubuntu Software Center. The problem I would like to solve, which is the reason I started this project, is the same as what motivated me at PCLinuxOS : have the lightest possible, for the less knowledgeable people. Let me know if a profusion of methods to install programs would rather help, or rather confuse newcomers ?
In Ubuntu, they already have Synaptic, Software Center, at Lubuntu there is a Lubuntu software center (ok, very light compared to the other one, but very unefficient when it comes to using the integrated search engine : it haven't found any of the applications I have been seeking for in it... )
and they also have gdebi (to install deb packages) and also we can add ppa repositories... all this seems really a lot. Oh and there is also a "apt-url" method !
However, someone offered to make scripts, later in the future, such as "icons on the desktop that you can point and click" and which will really be sort of little meta-packages, to install stuff for multimedia, or other kinds of applications. I have been very interested because this seems to me very suitable for newcomers : what do you think ?
I think I will take a look at RC6 then, I like LXpanel.
To start it instead of tint2, you will create a desktop file (in Ubuntu I will try lighten what is included in the autostart file, and each time it will be possible, use the autostart directory instead, because "xdg-autostart" is at work... you will see it in the autostart *file* : it can replace lots of lines, however not all yet, some programs don't play well with it).
Here is how, in a console which you will start as simple user:
cd .config/autostart
cp tint2.desktop lxpanel.desktop
mv tint2.desktop tint2.desktop.back
then open lxpanel.destkop with geany and change the lines to make it look like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Panel for LXDE
Comment[fr_FR]=Panel Lxde
Instead of this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[fr_FR]=Panel léger
Then logout/login.