I like CrunchBang, except for one aspect. They use the compton composite manager. Compton is great, and looks pretty, when it works. Install compton on a Debian respin other than CrunchBang, then watch what happens if you start the VLC media player. Kills compton deader than a doornail, until it is restarted. Compton's developer's solution was to patch VLC, rather than fixing the problem in compton.
I've been experimenting with composite managers running with the RazorQt desktop. I've tried cairo, xcompmgr and compton. RazorQt just doesn't work as well with compositing as other desktops do, unless you use Kwin. And that would defeat the whole purpose of a "light desktop" because of all the dependencies it has, including some daemons.
The older xcompmgr is much better behaved than compton. Sad part is that compton is a "replacement" for xcompmgr.