Hi Patrick,
There is a package for Debian which I did when I worked on a ppa for Ubuntu. You can find it here (32bits only):
http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/Debian/openbox-menu_0.3.6.7-1_i386.debIt is not the latest however it works perfectly in my Debian stable install.
Do you have the configuration files for it? If not, get the tarball "openbox.tar.gz" here:
http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/Debian/(read the readme which is inside).
obsession : I didn't package it yet, too busy working to improve Bento Ubuntu Remix. However there is a compiled tar.gz you can decompress in your system:
http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/Debian/obsession-debian-testing-compiled.tar.xzThe ownership and permissions are the right ones, so if you decompress it as root under the / part of your system it will be installed nicely under /usr/local as it must be:
The binaries under /usr/local/bin, the language files under /usr/local/share/locales, and images which go along into /usr/local/share/obsession/images/
So I recommand putting the tarball under / and type in the console as root
tar xvfJ /obsession-debian-testing-compiled.tar.xz
the Openbox Control Center does not have a package, it's sort of an "alpha stage". (No desktop file to start it either... )