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Ubuntu Openbox (Bento Village) on eeepc 1025c


Using this tutorial:

the main changes have been adding the video drivers:

--- Code: ---$ sudo -s
# apt-get install cedarview-graphics-drivers libva-cedarview-vaapi-driver cedarview-drm
--- Fin du code ---

and add an xorg.conf file (otherwise the boot does not go to the end):

--- Code: ---# mcedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
--- Fin du code ---

and paste this in the newly created file:

--- Citer ---     Section "Device"   

    Identifier             "Intel GMA3600"   

    Driver                 "fbdev"

--- Fin de citation ---

then hit F2 to save, and F10 to quit.

The kernel being already a generic one and not a pae, it has not been necessary to change it. The lightdm login screen didn't need any configuration because it has been configured to boot straight to the desktop.


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