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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #15 le: 04 mai 2013 à 09:54:23 »
Whoops! That's wrong. The stuff in ~/.config/autostart does work. I guess I'm getting confused.   :-[  ???

I understand... it can be confusing.

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #16 le: 04 mai 2013 à 09:58:41 »
About lxsession-edit : I could as well remove it. I think you are right about "it doesn't work", therefore it is of no use.

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #17 le: 04 mai 2013 à 10:15:12 »
Hi again,

Which one is it that you have tried ? bento2 mini 3 or bento2 mini 4 ?

The problem with the non-starting programs lies with the desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart. Here are the ones not working, along with the line in each desktop file that needs to be changed.

Desktop file                                                   Change needed
at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop                                  #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop                            #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop                             #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gsettings-data-convert.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop    #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;Unity;
user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop                            #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;LXDE;Unity;

The (Change needed) lines are currently uncommented. They will not autostart in an Openbox desktop unless they are commented.

These are working.

nm-applet.desktop           NotShowIn=KDE;
update-notifier.desktop     NotShowIn=KDE;

I got the notification daemon working by changing the desktop name. It was:

notification-daemon.desktop  OnlyShowIn=LXDE;OPENBOX;GNOME;

It should be:

I have been told that "OnlyShowIn" is an old method whereas "NotShowIn" (unless it is reverse side... I'll have to search or to remember) would be more recent, which explains that in many cases it has not been changed.

I don't know what packages will overwrite the desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart.

for a given file you can type:
dpkg -S /path/to/file
a bunch of filenames will come out of this command, one will be the name of the package containing the file. There is probably another cleaner command, I would have to seek for it.

I discovered this when I installed clipit. Normally after installing and rebooting, a security message will popup on first run and ask if you want to run it. After answering yes, it will start. It didn't popup the message or start. I looked at the desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart and it had the line:


What a load of crap. It's supposed to be desktop-agnostic. So I commented the line and rebooted. It still wouldn't start. I ended up manually adding it to the ~/.config/openbox/autostart script. Here's what's autostarting now, including the notification-daemon I got working.

If you copy the file to ~/.config/autostart and remove simply the "OnlyShowin=..." line, and also remove any eventual additional line related to Gnome from the file, doesn't that work ?



What should be started that isn't? If gsettings-data-convert daemon isn't running, will (System Tools > dconf Editor, part of dconf-tools package) work?

No idea. For which purpose do you mean?

After reading your post here, I followed the link. After reading the suggestions, I installed the jobs-admin package. If you try to make any changes, the app will crash every time. Doesn't matter if you start it from the menu or start it from a terminal as sudo. The error is:
darrel@BentoMini:~$ sudo jobs-admin
[sudo] password for darrel:
No module named pkit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/", line 607, in msg_reply_handler
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/JobsAdmin/", line 199, in error
    raise e
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error getting subject: Error parsing unix-process subject: Value for key `start-time' found but is of type i and type t was expected

I tried to modify the behavior of sshd : no sshd available in that one gui. I would like to be able to start or stop some services which are default started during boot, such as the programs I have removed to make it lighter : removed update-notifier for instance. I would like to have some of them installed but not running by default.

The services are provided by upstart for some of them, and by the older init system with the scripts in /etc/init.d : and there is no gui available to deal with them all. Else here jobs-admin didn't crash after I installed it to the vbox bento2 version 4, but I just couldn't do anythying with it when I tried to use it.

By all other accounts, the program should work.

What does it mean ?  ???

BTW, here is the page with some bugs reported regarding jobs-admin:

does any of them look like what you have observed ?

Thanks for your feedback.

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #18 le: 04 mai 2013 à 17:46:26 »
Geez, I really was wound up tight, wasn't I? Crikey! Had a bad hair day.

Just a tip : sudo should not be used to start a gui app because there is an old non solved bug in it... unless something new was done during the last years which I am not aware of. Just use "gksu" instead.
gksu or gksudo? What if it's Tuesday and it's raining? ???

About the programs started or not from /home/user/.config/autostart : the xdg-autostart program, provided by obsession : is meant to start whatever program for which you have placed a file in /home/user/.config/autostart : have you find some which are backed up there? (looking like "file.destkop-backup"?)
Yeah, I noticed the etc-xdgautostart line in ~/.config/openbox/autostart. I thought it must be an Ubuntu program.

obsession is installed in bento2 (see in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/locale), and xdg-autstart is in the ~/.config/openbox/autostart file. is used to start applications for which desktop files are put into ~/.config/autostart : but, with trials and errors I have seen that for volumeicon it is a mess, for tint2 it is a mess, and for several it is a mess.
The clipit.desktop file ended up there, too, as well as in /etc/xdg/autostart. Still had to manually add it to ~/.config/openbox/autostart.

I suggest that the desktop files where the categories are commented should be copied to ~/.config/autostart so that they will not be rewritten if the program is updated.
Seems like I've been here before and deja vu just didn't kick in until now. I'm starting to reconnect the dots.

About the files for pcmanfm... didn't know that. I always have files with permissions 644 and not 664.
Yep. Only two files there. Only changed permissions on the one.

darrel@BentoMini:~/.config/pcmanfm$ ls -l default
total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 darrel darrel  55 May  2 17:43 desktop-items-0.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 darrel darrel 480 May  3 15:10 pcmanfm.conf


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Re : Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #19 le: 04 mai 2013 à 18:06:48 »
Which one is it that you have tried ? bento2 mini 3 or bento2 mini 4 ?

Mini4, since it's the latest one with all the changes. Never got Mini3 going. More on that, later.

If you copy the file to ~/.config/autostart and remove simply the "OnlyShowin=..." line, and also remove any eventual additional line related to Gnome from the file, doesn't that work ?

My deja vu not working, again.

What does it mean ?  ???

BTW, here is the page with some bugs reported regarding jobs-admin:

does any of them look like what you have observed ?

What I meant was that, according to the link you gave in another post, others seem to have had no problems with the jobs-admin program. Certainly doesn't work here. At all. I'm getting the exact same results as this guy.

The sysv-rc-conf run in a terminal emulator is what I'm using in the Openbox Control Center. I finally got all the bugs worked out, choice of terminal emulator (sakura), icon sets, etcetera. I just need to wrap it all up in a tarball with an installer.


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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #20 le: 04 mai 2013 à 18:27:43 »
After a lot of testing, I finally settled on using the PentiumIII as the test machine. Unless you count my two Amiga 4000s, I have two "vintage" computers from around the year 2000. The AMD will hold more RAM, but it has only one IDE channel, meaning I can only use one CD drive and one hard drive. The PIII will only hold 512MB of RAM, no matter what, but it's enough.

I never got Bento2 Mini3 to start on the PIII. I tried from CD and from USB stick. After getting the hardware for the PIII in shape, (the video card had to be swapped out for a better ATI card), I burned my Deb-e17 iso to the same USB stick and booted it from the PLOP floppy. Booted right up and asked me for my wireless password. The machine had a bunch of PCLOS stuff on it. (LXDM testing, SLIM and LightDM login managers and Openbox, LXDE, e17, RazorQt, IceWM and WindowMaker desktops all installed.) Although it was completely updated, I've completely blown away that installation now. Since the Deb-e17 was up and running, I reformatted and installed that. Works a charm.

I burned Bento2 Mini4 to the same USB stick, using the exact same Unetbootin procedure. With the replacement video card installed, I got no OUT OF SYNC video errors. However, when booting from the USB stick, I got the following errors:

(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Invalid argument
can not mount /dev/loop0 (cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

Not being one to give up, I gave it the old "college try" and burned Bento2 Mini4 to a CD. Popped it into the drive and selected "Try Ubuntu" on bootup. It booted successfully all the way to the desktop. I plugged the wireless password into network-manager-gnome and got a connection. Everything worked. I have no idea why that machine won't boot the same ISO image from a USB drive.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #21 le: 05 mai 2013 à 00:06:28 »
Geez, I really was wound up tight, wasn't I? Crikey! Had a bad hair day.
gksu or gksudo?

Who is that ? djohnston junior ? o_o

gksu is enough. gksudo has two more letters, what for ?

What if it's Tuesday and it's raining? ???

Then close your laptop, open a large umbrella, wear an australian hat. ;D

Yeah, I noticed the etc-xdgautostart line in ~/.config/openbox/autostart. I thought it must be an Ubuntu program.

not etc-xdgautostart : xdg-autostart, by mimas. You won't find it in the Ubuntu repositories, and it's not even packaged. I have just compiled it, put the files in a small filesystem like tree directory and made a tarball available here, so far. :)

I'll check the rest after. This seems enough to me for one single post.

/Edit: you have wrote a lot since you started to test. I will have to start reading you again from the beginning and do some tests too, related to what you brought back. I'll try to go through it all in detail during the week-end. Just one thing about the USB stick, yes it's strange. Here installing on two machines, from the same USB stick didn't bring any issue at all. The method used to install to USB was this one:
Make a bootable USB stick by hand with Grub legacy. Just in case you would want to try... I also noticed that some of my USB sticks were better than others for booting a distro, so it's always the same two which are used for this purpose now.

You could also try to prepare a bootable thumbdrive from within an Ubuntu Openbox already installed, the gui method using the Ubuntu native tool has worked well for me as well up to now with USB Creator GTK which is installed:
Bootable and persistence on USB stick with Ubuntu and USB Creator Gtk.

About the bento2 version 3 : it was a prior version of the kernel, so who knows if the newer kernel didn't help in your case? (Or was it just you changing the graphic card?)

« Modifié: 05 mai 2013 à 03:44:28 par mélodie »
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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #22 le: 05 mai 2013 à 04:03:47 »
About clipit, tested in bento2 version 4 in Virtualbox.

I have copied the file /etc/xdg/autostart/clipit-startup.destkop to the /home/melodie/.config/autostart directory. Once there I have edited the file and removed completely these two lines:

Then I have restarted the X session. It was started, and was showing in the tray in tint2.
It should work for you too. As I understand things, all xdg compliant applications should behave this way, providing there are no specific lines related to a specific desktop.

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #23 le: 05 mai 2013 à 12:39:29 »
I have copied the file /etc/xdg/autostart/clipit-startup.destkop to the /home/melodie/.config/autostart directory. Once there I have edited the file and removed completely these two lines:

Then I have restarted the X session. It was started, and was showing in the tray in tint2.
It should work for you too.

Tried that and it does work.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #24 le: 08 mai 2013 à 02:06:53 »
What I meant was that, according to the link you gave in another post, others seem to have had no problems with the jobs-admin program.

all the contrary, most of them bring feedback about it not working. 3 over 5 to be precise:
3 say it does not work, 2 bring a wish regarding what the User Interface or alternate user interface could be. See:

Jacob Peddicord reported on 2010-08-05

The UI has gone through three different designs during GSoC:

* The initial list & details design
* Full-window listview (feedback from mpt)
* Two-pane listview and settings

Each has built on the previous, and especially for the final two-pane design I've tried to keep mpt's feedback in mind. The reason for reverting to a two-pane display is due to the emphasis on job settings: we want to make them more visible for tweaking, not hidden behind a password-protected button. Further changes likely need to be done, however, and this bug is open for that.

which bug was confirmed by Jacob Peddicord on 2010-08-05. We can see he confirmed because after he wrote the bug report he changed the status himself:
Changed in jobsadmin:
status:    New → Confirmed

(this is strange, shouldn't this be managed by someone who is not the author of a bug or a wish?)

next bug reported:
by Colin Law on 2011-01-19

ug Description

Installed jobs-admin (and jobservice) 0.8.0-0ubuntu1 on Maverick from repository. On starting from System menu it appears to crash immediately. When run from terminal -
$ jobs-admin
No module named pkit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/jobs-admin", line 31, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobsAdmin/", line 108, in load_jobs
    weight = 700 if job.running else 400
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobsAdmin/", line 68, in __getattr__
    retry(self._connect, call)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobsAdmin/", line 26, in retry
    return func()
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobsAdmin/", line 67, in call
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/", line 68, in __call__
    return self._proxy_method(*args, **keywords)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/", line 140, in __call__
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/", line 620, in call_blocking
    message, timeout)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.ValueError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/", line 702, in _message_cb
    retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobService/", line 40, in GetAll
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobService/", line 122, in _load_properties
    self._props = self.root.proxy.get_service(
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobService/backends/", line 111, in get_service
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobService/backends/", line 73, in get_service
    job_name, inst_name = self._split_job(name)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/JobService/backends/", line 136, in _split_job
    job_name, inst_name = name.split('/')
ValueError: too many values to unpack

answer by...
Jacob Peddicord (jpeddicord) wrote on 2011-01-20:    #1

It's already fixed in bzr; I just need to release and package it for Natty (and possibly backport to Maverick).
summary:    - jobs-admin crash on startup - No module named pkit
+ ValueError: too many values to unpack
Changed in jobsadmin:
importance:    Undecided → Medium
status:    New → Fix Committed

this brings us to a version which had been on his ppa and tested.

read more starting from #8.

This is where it is disappointing:

last post:
Jacob Peddicord (jpeddicord) wrote on 2011-06-20:    #3

Due to a personal fatfingering, I accidentally deleted the repository I was referring to and not the daily one. Sorry about that. I'll work on getting it back online. :-P

The version in Precise is the 0.8.0-0ubuntu3 and the launchpad page to his repos leads to a 404 error as you can see from here:

Certainly doesn't work here. At all. I'm getting the exact same results as this guy.

I have answered just after Olivier Blondel, as I did a few tests in Virtualbox to see what feedback and testimonial I could bring to his bug report:


The sysv-rc-conf run in a terminal emulator is what I'm using in the Openbox Control Center. I finally got all the bugs worked out, choice of terminal emulator (sakura), icon sets, etcetera. I just need to wrap it all up in a tarball with an installer.

This is most probably in Debian and not in Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a mixture of services not yet ported from sysvinit to upstart and some services relying on upstart. I don't think it can work in recent versions of Ubuntu. I will give it a try again to be check (although I think I have checked some time ago... ). I would like to say it's not very user friendly, even if it would work. And some services are not checked as being started, such as dbus : which is most probably started from somewhere else, who knows where ? :)

I just tried to configure zram from within sysv-rc-conf, (which I started with sudo) to be started in levels 2 to 5, commented out the line I had used for it in /etc/rc.local (not the best but... still waiting to get another better idea) and rebooted.

Well it does not work. The result is:
melodie@vbox:~$ cat /proc/swaps
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda5                               partition 522236 0 -1

no zram started.

With the line
service zram-config start
just before
exit 0
in the rc.local file there is no problem.

I would just want to know how to do the other way around, such as having sshd installed and not running by default if I don't want it to, or cups, and any service that can be needed just once a while.
« Modifié: 08 mai 2013 à 02:09:24 par mélodie »
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Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #25 le: 08 mai 2013 à 17:05:53 »
all the contrary, most of them bring feedback about it not working.

Au contraire? Well, that will teach me to speed read something. Or, maybe not.

I would just want to know how to do the other way around, such as having sshd installed and not running by default if I don't want it to, or cups, and any service that can be needed just once a while.

That's one of the "problems" systemd is supposed to address, isn't it? For example, one of the things systemd does is terminate any daemon that has been idle for a specified period of time. Anyway, all this brings up a good point. With all the sysvinit alternatives popping up, there is no "one size fits all" utility to control system services at bootup. Ubuntu has upstart, with some services still running under sysvinit. Arch, Fedora, Suse, Mageia and others have switched to systemd. Gentoo has forked udev to something called eudev because they don't like the direction udev and systemd are going in.

Debian still uses sysvinit, although systemd is in the repos. The Debian repos have tools to control services started by either sysvinit or systemd. Back to Ubuntu, I'm unable to find anything in the repos that is a GUI or CLI program for controlling upstart jobs, other than jobs-admin and its dependency jobservice.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #26 le: 09 mai 2013 à 03:41:13 »
In Archlinux there is a gui program having for name 'Systemd System Manager', which works great. There are also good pages on the wikis: the English one and the French one if we want to manage some of the services/targets by hand.

In Fedora I have seen a very good gui to manage the services, and working well too, as does the one in Archlinux. (On the other hand I don't like the Fedora package manager outputs too much... however I must say it works well and is easy enough to understand).

In Ubuntu I have been told I could create "override" files for the services to be stopped and not started during boot time. That's for a user friendly distro ?!

I think I will next ask the question directly on the dev mailing list, but not before I can take the time to test the jobs-admin gui with it's jobservice non gui backend in the more recent ubuntu versions, as Xubuntu, Lubuntu...

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #27 le: 13 mai 2013 à 14:28:12 »
The XDG_MENU_PREFIX must be set to get the "Applications" section to work within PCManFM. I usually defined this in ~/.configure/openbox/environment file.

As is used, it probably be a good choice to set XDG_MENU_PREFIX like this: export XDG_MENU_PREFIX="lxde-".
When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #28 le: 13 mai 2013 à 19:29:36 »
You need to update PCManFM/LibFM from PPA. The installed version has GTK3 in its dependencies, that's a big surprise! :)

When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #29 le: 14 mai 2013 à 01:27:37 »
Hi mimas,

Thank you very much for your feedback. Whenever you find more please throw it here!

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