Not really a respin. This is a basic Debian wheezy LXDE desktop from a recent netinstall. It is meant as a base to work from. Very few applications are installed. The installed applications are part of the Debian LXDE desktop, except for file-roller which replaced Xarchiver.
Kernel: 3.2.0-4-686-pae
Web browser: Iceweasel with some privacy settings enabled
File manager: PCManFM 0.9.10
Clipboard manager: Clipit
Terminal-emulator: LXTerminal
Graphics viewer: Mirage
Text editor: Leafpad
Package manager: Synaptic
GParted is installed as part of the remastersys suite. Update-notifier is also installed. The screenshot below is of the live session. The installed desktop looks the same, except for the Remastersys Installer icon on the desktop. Download locations are shown below. thanks to Melodie for hosting our iso images.Many thanks to Nazral for hosting our iso images.

/Corrected by mélodie : credit to the buddy who shares his web space.