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updating Scorpio - testing

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Just "upgraded" a version of VillageBox with Spacefm and all the bells and whistles I've been trialing to Debian Testing.  Not impressed!  Big lag on start up/login, blank screen, different LightDM login dialog box (not "enter" but "tab" to move to next question!)  Don't know what the slightly upgraded kernel does but who cares-  I think Testing needs some time to settle down.  Just curious as to how other distros based on Debian Testing are fairing - Sparky and PureOS spring to mind.


--- Citation de: Taco.22 le 16 juin 2013 à 14:15:37 ---Just curious as to how other distros based on Debian Testing are fairing - Sparky and PureOS spring to mind.
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This is an interesting question. :)

Debian testing is always scary during a few months following the upgrade of the stable one.


--- Citation de: Taco.22 le 16 juin 2013 à 07:43:32 ---Stable uses linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae and Testing has linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae listed - is this what you are trying to achieve?
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Yes both were upgraded this week, both are the same number kernel.
I got a message on the Debian forum that removing the plymouth
package let's the initrd get made.    Have to try that later.     Only
problem I've had with Scorpio - testing.

thx for the response,


edit: removing plymouth packages solves it, I don't use them
anyway.   Probably avoids the script that's malfunctioning.
Otherwise Scorpio - testing back to normal.

Wow - removed plymouth and that sure sped things up!!!  Boots in mere seconds now with no waiting around.  Thanks patrick013 - I'll see how that works out with Scorpio and Serqet.  Maybe testing is looking more "stable" ;D

Here's something else - the stable 7.1 base doesn't have any
plymouth packages,  just our Scorpio testing where I see plymouth




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