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Qt-shortcut-creator_0.3 (standalone shortcut creator)

<< < (2/3) > >>


Didn't try it yet, will try it in the next OBUbuntu version (still a glitch I have to fix). The code is at the same place as the former one : now under Qt-shortcut-creator

Caymus, thanks a lot for your work!


--- Citer ---Both 32 and 64bit versions tested and working. For the name, how about just QtShortcut? It is a Qt app for creating shorcuts, no?

Or, you could call it "The Qt application for creating desktop and menu shortcuts, which is the same concept as lxshortcut, but has been updated and enhanced."

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Yes, indeed ^^

QT-shortcuts is already taken unfortunately, this may be ambiguous.

What is QT-shortcuts ? /never mind, I found it.

What about QTlauncher ?


--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:36:10 ---What about QTlauncher ?

--- Fin de citation ---


Already take on severals projects or modules on github or gitorious

do you understand now, why given names isnt my cup of tea ^^ ....


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