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Hi guys and gal,

I have been away for a little over a month on vacation and for the holidays and wow are things changing. So.......

White Island is having massive problems now so I am looking for a new project to play with.   I have not quit the Orca project but need something to do. I was thinking of a Debian LXDE base again but I want to stay away from an Ubuntu base as this creates all kinds of problems. Once again I am thinking of something small that can run on netbooks and can be used for BASIC programming using the BaCon IDE.  Any ideas?  I will find some free web hosting so that I can see to the up keep of it.  My plan is to just keep it small and usable and maybe a SMALL user base, nothing big, don't need the headache.


Welcome Konaexpress !

You will find out that Taco.22 has created a perfect base to build whatever you want on it. I let you seek for his latest "Village RC2" widely improved, along with djohnston's active participation.

Thanks Melodie, I found it and I am downloading it now. Lets hope this new little project has way less bumps in the road.......


Hey, konaexpress - long time no see!  If you need any help just let us know.


Glad to see you back! The VillageLinux base is excellent. Many quirks have been worked out and bugs squashed. I believe you have a preference for LXDE. I used to. LXDE is a desktop environment which uses the Openbox window manager. I've found using just the Openbox window manager and native desktop tools and adding selected LXDE programs makes for a far better user experience. YMMV.

If you still want to tinker with LXDE, may I suggest a Debian net install? That will install just LXDE and nothing else. Well, except for OpenOffice, and GIMP, and ... But, no other desktop environments. You should try the netinstall at least once. It's very easy. If you want/need pointers, just ask/PM Taco.22 or myself.


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