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Village_RC2 : Openbox community spin

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I remember about this now : never met the issue myself, because I mostly never used Thunar these paste years but I heard about it. I suggest you add the information in the tips and tricks section. I hope that during this year we will find time and energy to setup a dokuwiki in two languages. We have this one which has been setup long ago now, and we could just reuse what we know and the list of plugins, to make one for LinuxVillage (in two languages of course).

Thanks djohnston.  I have reinstalled a fresh version of Village and although I didn't have more than about a few seconds delay after first launching Thunar your tip completely removed it.  I have applied that to my current system and removed any lag.  Gigolo works just fine with Thunar regardless.

We'll see how the rest of it goes.

You're welcome. Anything to help the Linux Village effort. It takes a village ... Nevermind.

Mate, you really have to get over that Hillary thing  ;D

Changelog - I have made a number of changes and modifications to Village_RC2.

* Fixed the network mount glitch that can cause Thunar to pause on start.  Thunar and gigolo still work together fine.
* Installed numlockx to allow numlock to turn on at boot.  Due to some laptop thingy I need to know if autostart default needs to be off.
* Edited Remastersys to allow a "Boot to RAM" option in the live cd/usb device.
* Removed Azenis icon theme and installed MelaieSVG.  Retained Tango as root icon theme, plus it fills the gaps that MelaieSVG leaves.I'll give it a test run and upload it in the next day or two.  It will still be RC2 and this thread will remain live. 


--- Citation de: Taco.22 le 25 janvier 2013 à 14:39:11 ---
* Installed numlockx to allow numlock to turn on at boot.  Due to some laptop thingy I need to know if autostart default needs to be off.
--- Fin de citation ---

In my T30 it has always been a painful moment when trying to login. I finally discovered how to deactivate numlock, but strangely kept forgetting how do to it each time I met again with this issue. It's a bit of a trick... something such as "shift+Fn+numlock(blue keyboard-key)"...


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