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OBUbuntu RC3 to RC6 are out

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This version RC3 will not bring much more compared to the former one, just updated, changed the desktop background and explored how to change the color for the splash in the live (which didn't work up to now : it has to be setup and compiled from source, so this will be part of the learning curve).

This version is 470 MB, less heavy than the former ones. However while removing packages, some icons don't show anymore in the menus. :)

You would have bet ?

and last : there will be a tarball ready to unpack, with the spin already installed to Virtualbox : perhaps konaexpress will have the opportunity to see it working by using this ready to use Vbox ?

Please see this post for information and links to get the RC versions 4 5 and 6:,173.msg1167.html#msg1167


--- Citation de: mélodie le 04 mars 2013 à 17:27:24 ---and last : there will be a tarball ready to unpack, with the spin already installed to Virtualbox : perhaps konaexpress will have the opportunity to see it working by using this ready to use Vbox ?

--- Fin de citation ---

That's a bit of extra work. Are you going to use the export appliance function in VBox?

Wow that will make a HUGE file if you do.

I had not noticed there was an export feature. I just zipped .Virtualbox and Virtualbox VM directories in a common zip, and ouste !

not that huge, could be worse...

You can have all here:

I'll seek for the export and import features tomorrow.

downloading it now.


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