I have never used the IRC groups, hope it is nothing like the mail groups/lists. Hate them with a passion
Rest assured that IRC is nothing like email.

It's a chat room, basically. Here's a chat I had with mélodie about the Anita Borg Institute:
http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2013-03-28#i_6638794I dunno, I just posted to
http://linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,241.0 which is already three pages long and I was somewhat annoyed about having to click next a couple times. All I could think was, "this conversation easily could have taken place faster over IRC and would have been easily fit on a single page of logs without people having to click next to read it."
Also, I do understand that SMF (and other forum software) continues to evolve, as mélodie said. I just don't find the user experience of forums satisfying, usually.
The other thing I think a lot about is data liberation. If you click that crimsonfu link above you'll see a line from GitHub191. That's me grabbing the latest IRC logs and storing them on GitHub. The idea here is that I can (and do) pull down the entire history of the logs and grep through them for some conversation I remember. And the logs available for anyone who wants them. I want people to feel confident that if they contribute to an IRC channel of mine, they can get their words, their data, out of it.
Actually, I recently started another IRC channel dedicated to the topic of data liberation and owning your words:
http://spanworm.comThe other problem with forums is that they let me ramble on.

IRC is more like Twitter. You get maybe twice or three times as many characters per line, but that's it. It focuses people.