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Great work mimas!

djohnston, how low on resources is your Debian JWM spin? Do you plan to share a version at some time in the coming weeks?


--- Citation de: mélodie le 22 août 2013 à 21:14:22 ---Great work mimas!
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+1 Thank you. I've downloaded your latest package, but haven't looked at it yet.

--- Citation de: mélodie le 22 août 2013 à 21:14:22 ---djohnston, how low on resources is your Debian JWM spin? Do you plan to share a version at some time in the coming weeks?
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Yes, I do plan to make the respin available to anyone who wants it. I've been a little apathetic and lazy on getting it finished, lately. But, I will get it done. As to how low on resources it is, the conky display paints a pretty good picture.

As you can see, it uses 48.8MB of RAM at startup. It's well below my target of 64MB, but it's still about 10MB higher than JWM on AntiX. I'm still trying to find out how to optimize the memory more efficiently. Here's a shot of mimas's (earlier) Obsession modified for use with JWM:

This is a beautiful result! I don't know what antiX does. Have you gone through the shell script collection in the /usr/local/bin directory of the distro?

One more question, what is the lower specs advised for the CPU?


--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 août 2013 à 00:40:30 ---One more question, what is the lower specs advised for the CPU?
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I'm using a 486 kernel, not the 686 one. So, P2 and up? I can only test on a P3. That's the oldest I have.

Remember you can customize the obsession-logout window. I didn't touch anything from LXDE code


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