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New version of openbox-menu
Any .deb packages available for openbox-menu and obsession ?
Even a .deb package for a control center executable I can install
on Scorpio ?
My make skills are non-existent these days.
Thanks a bunch.
Hi Patrick,
There is a package for Debian which I did when I worked on a ppa for Ubuntu. You can find it here (32bits only):
It is not the latest however it works perfectly in my Debian stable install.
Do you have the configuration files for it? If not, get the tarball "openbox.tar.gz" here:
(read the readme which is inside).
obsession : I didn't package it yet, too busy working to improve Bento Ubuntu Remix. However there is a compiled tar.gz you can decompress in your system:
The ownership and permissions are the right ones, so if you decompress it as root under the / part of your system it will be installed nicely under /usr/local as it must be:
The binaries under /usr/local/bin, the language files under /usr/local/share/locales, and images which go along into /usr/local/share/obsession/images/
So I recommand putting the tarball under / and type in the console as root
--- Code: ---tar xvfJ /obsession-debian-testing-compiled.tar.xz
--- Fin du code ---
the Openbox Control Center does not have a package, it's sort of an "alpha stage". (No desktop file to start it either... )
Thanks for those links.
I do have both those packages installed and working.
Just have to wait and see for all 3 of them in new .deb's
Post if anything pops up.
Have a good one.
--- Citation de: patrick013 le 30 octobre 2013 à 19:40:18 ---Hi,
Thanks for those links.
--- Fin de citation ---
Hi, you're welcome.
--- Citer ---I do have both those packages installed and working.
--- Fin de citation ---
--- Citer ---Just have to wait and see for all 3 of them in new .deb's
Post if anything pops up.
--- Fin de citation ---
I have to finish the polish on the new Bento to come, I have installed now a sid into Debian stable into a directory to build packages into it, I have to rework the files I used before, because my mentor had sent me a mail with a list of things to improve. Some more docs to read in detail also. (Then more to do, open bug reports for ITP : intent To Package, then see if my mentor still has any time, because he just moved to the other side of the planet... ). Anyhow the next packages will be built for sid, so unless something does not work anymore with the ones available now, I won't touch them.
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