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QtShortcut-Creator feedback thread

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I am testing it in a 32bits Ubuntu setup with Openbox. First, I must say it is a very good start for a standalone application. Then, I will list here after a list of things which seem to need improvements.

caymus, if you can find a little time for that, it would be very nice

First launch of the binary:
* The "About" menu says "Linuxvilage" //  you had good idea pointing to the website, however could you add a "l" ? It is "LinuxVillage"

* Then : /home/$user|Desktop/    // this does not work if the system has "Bureau" or any other name for Desktop, according to the language. Could you do something like this ?

Not write "/home/$user" because that's geeky, just something such as "Shortcut location" and in the choices, instead of "Desktop" add a field where people would write their own location choice ?

* The gui does not yet display the icon chosen, do you think this is a feature you might add ?

* This is the desktop file I produced, when choosing .local/share/applicatiions:

--- Citer ---[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Allows creating new menu entries
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Allows creating new menu entries

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I think adding [en_US] in the "Name" and in the "Comment" lines is not necessary, because the default is always English anyhow. We usually add the iso code for all the other languages.

About the name of the program, I think djohnston gave a good idea : just "Qtshortcut" is fine, and about the name of the binary, would it be ok for you to name it "qtshortcut", without any high case ?

* Last, if you can do more or less all which is above, would you know how to make a pot file ? :)

All this, if you feel like continuing to work on it, of course...


--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---First launch of the binary:
* The "About" menu says "Linuxvilage" //  you had good idea pointing to the website, however could you add a "l" ? It is "LinuxVillage"
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--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---* Then : /home/$user|Desktop/    // this does not work if the system has "Bureau" or any other name for Desktop, according to the language. Could you do something like this ?
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--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---Not write "/home/$user" because that's geeky, just something such as "Shortcut location" and in the choices, instead of "Desktop" add a field where people would write their own location choice ?
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--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---* The gui does not yet display the icon chosen, do you think this is a feature you might add ?
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this is the main challenge, but something is made, the main difficulty is to do a custom file browser with preview implemented, must take some time

--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---* This is the desktop file I produced, when choosing .local/share/applicatiions: (duplicate entry) ---->
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--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---I think adding [en_US] in the "Name" and in the "Comment" lines is not necessary, because the default is always English anyhow. We usually add the iso code for all the other languages.
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(I had not planned that peoples can validate 2 * on the same file, so now, if file exist, flush all & repopulate the file...)

--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---adding [en_US] in the "Name" and in the "Comment" lines is not necessary,
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I dont know, was what did lxshortcut to

--- Citation de: mélodie le 23 mars 2013 à 13:28:26 ---About the name of the program, I think djohnston gave a good idea : just "Qtshortcut" is fine, and about the name of the binary, would it be ok for you to name it "qtshortcut", without any high case ?
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qt or Qt + something is ok, not QT
already used


--- Citer ---* The gui does not yet display the icon chosen, do you think this is a feature you might add ?
this is the main challenge, but something is made, the main difficulty is to do a custom file browser with preview implemented, must take some time
--- Fin de citation ---


number of previous quotes is limited to "1" on the forum, maybe you would want to answer after the quote... not inside. :)

About the filebrowser, would it help you to know about a Qt file manager which has been talked about here?,209.0.html

--- Citation de: Taco.22 le 16 mars 2013 à 09:54:05 ---Some QT apps I'm trying -

* Filemanager - qtFM
* Browser - Qupzilla
* Text editor - JuffedqtFM works well and shows mounted devices as a bookmark.  It is also easy to write custom action as in Thunar.  Qupzilla seems to be coping with everything I'm throwing at it - occasional hiccup with resizing flash video in Youtube,  Juffed is lightning fast and has full formatting.
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never know, maybe would you find pieces of code to reuse from there ?

Thanks a lot for your efforts!

PS: I just checked, lxshortcut didn't add iso code to the "Name=" and "Comment=" lines when I used it. (Recently created, lxshorcut.deskop which could not work, and previously, tint2.desktop, lxpanel.desktop, volumeicon-alsa.desktop, and even a pcmanfm-desktop.desktop which launches the desktop management feature from pcmanfm, for the OBUbuntu spins).

Thx, yes i already know qtfm

~4000 lignes of code to dissect :)

I have many docs & pieces of code, about all that but this is not a small job to make a custom file browser, that is why I have said that this would be the main job and it may take time. 20-60 hours ---> 20 - 30 days maybe to read docs, libs & experiment, repeat, modify, debug.
maybe alot less with luck on finding about the unknown magical function & trick, who make your job a lot easier, shorter ^^

PS:  Can you show me ideal .desktop as it is easy to add or remove entries, it is text.

i mean about this:

it varies so much from a window manager or application to another


--- Citation de: mélodie le 24 mars 2013 à 00:40:06 ---number of previous quotes is limited to "1" on the forum, maybe you would want to answer after the quote... not inside. :)

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