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very good, but why don't you give it a new number ? Maybe something such as "RC2-b" or "RC2-2" if you don't want to make it look like a major version ? And what is the date of the change this time ? Should I mirror a new version or are the mirrors up to date ?
Thanks for all your work anyway !
No panic - I've not changed anything. I just posted the Changelog from the Village_RC2 thread so I can keep track of it. Still trying to work out where to put it - maybe it should go on the VillageBox page, maybe down the bottom?
EDIT - I have added the Changelog to the bottom of the VillageBox page - seems to be the logical place. Anywhere on the forum it will just keep moving around!
Very right!
And one more little thing, I have noticed you didn't list openbox-menu in the list of installed programs. Is it a miss ?
--- Citation de: mélodie le 09 février 2013 à 18:13:58 ---I have noticed you didn't list openbox-menu in the list of installed programs. Is it a miss ?
--- Fin de citation ---
Thank you sir! :)
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