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xfce4-notifyd and modified script - help!!

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You might try the XFCE forum. Here's the link for a search I did on the forum for "xfce4-notifyd".

Thanks, I had a look but nothing new came to light - I've covered a lot of ground over the last 24 hours!!  I've gone back to xfce4-notifyd with my modified theme - still can't get rid of the "Don't show this message again" button.  It's probably as far as I can go - there seems to be no practical way to modify the nm "bubble".  All of this for the smallest bit of eye-candy!!


--- Citation de: Taco.22 le 03 juin 2013 à 08:55:12 ---It's probably as far as I can go - there seems to be no practical way to modify the nm "bubble".  All of this for the smallest bit of eye-candy!!

--- Fin de citation ---

Can you find the mail address of the developers who work on the different applications? (Or find some mailing lists… bugzilla would also be an option but not so direct and not so fast to reach the people).

If you can what about sending them a common mail or post to lists… to explain your wish, and point to the present thread? The ones who hard code this type of thing, could consider putting it out of the code, in some configuration files…


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