Questions En > Graphics / Artwork

[Christmas] What about a dedicated theme?



I posted a question here, because there aren't any of the nicest themes in the lists which are said to be working up to the 2.0.12 version of SMF. Special Christmas themes : all outdated?

So I hope someone will answer and try to do something about it. If any member of our forum wants to dive in, welcome to the party!

--- Citation de: meylodie le 15 décembre 2016 à 20:56:09 ---Hello,

Our Linuxvillager's forums at would look good with one of these themes.

Unfortunately they are not mentioned to be fit with the 2.0.12 version!  :o

Here are the pages of these themes:;basic_search=Christmas

(2 pages)

Would someone be keen enough to check, then if necessary, update one or several of them?

Thanks a lot  :)

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