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SoftMaker Free Office



The above site has a nice office suite that works well
with LinuxVillage OpenBox.

Need to install libgnomeui and uninstall gnome-keyring
to get gtk colors to work.   Oh, and put -gui:gnome in the start-up
script also to get it to use gtk colors, unless Windows white is OK.
If so just start it up.

I got the tar file, it has a universal install script.



{Edited by mélodie - Edité par mélodie}

Hello Patrick,

This is what I read at the Linux Download page:

--- Citer --- Download FreeOffice for Linux Here you can download the full SoftMaker FreeOffice for Linux, absolutely free of charge. Before you start the download, please take the time to register as a user.
  Your name:Country:E-mail:  From time to time, we will send you our newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on what's happening at SoftMaker. This newsletter is free of charge, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

--- Fin de citation ---

What does this mean ? This means that the suite you pointed to is not FOSS software. Can you get the sources ? Is it possible to download it in other places, on some Free Software mirrors ? It isn't, right ?

Free software is about freedom, not a about cost.

Sorry, but non free software are not welcome in a Free software forum. We have all what we need with Libreoffice, (again a Free software since 2011 when Oracle gave it to the Apachee foundation), and Abiword.


I might use it but at home only.   It's lite for home use.
It's free but definitely not Open Source.    One of
several I stumbled across recently, just to use at home
where my needs are small.

Perhaps move it to the bistro forum ?

Have a good one.


In the Debian repo there's a package called "sc"

It's a Lotus 1-2-3 clone and runs in text mode in
the terminal.   Wonderful to find it there.    It uses
the alpha keyboard for commands rather than   "/"
for  command selection like Lotus 1-2-3 used to do.   

"shift ?"    gives a full list of commands.     Going to use
it to do my taxes this year just for fun.    What an antique !

Writes the spreadsheet to a regular text file for printing if

A toys r' us program  but looks every bit as powerful
as the old IBM Lotus 1-2-3 program was which I used for years
before MSWorks, Excel, LibreOffice, and KOffice  appeared
in my machine.

Just some program nostalgia, and a very stable package
Debian says.




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