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Conky Scripts + Photos
Here's the conkyrc used for DebWeb. It was based on one Taco.22 created with time zone displays. I changed some colors and added ZRAM usage display.
--- Code: ---# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont sans:size=10
xftalpha 0.5
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 500 5
maximum_width 242
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color Gold
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 4
gap_y 2
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color}$sysname $kernel
${time %A %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p %Z}
Uptime: $uptime
Processes: $processes ${alignr}Running:$running_processes
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color}CPU: ${alignr}${cpu}%
${color green}${cpubar 6 cpu1}
${color}RAM: $mem of $memmax ${alignr}$memperc%
${color green}${membar 6}
${color}SWAP: $swap of $swapmax ${alignr}$swapperc%
${color green}${swapbar 6}
${color}Root: ${fs_used} of ${fs_free}${alignr}${fs_used_perc /}%
${color green}${fs_bar 6 /}
${color}${goto 50}AVAILABLE${goto 150}USED
ZRAM: ${exec cat /proc/swaps |grep zram |cut -f 2}KB ${goto 150}${exec cat /proc/swaps |grep zram |cut -f 3}KB
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color}${alignc} eth0 ${addr eth0}
Inbound $alignr ${downspeed eth0} kb/s
${downspeedgraph eth0 00ff00 00ff00}
Outbound $alignr ${upspeed eth0} kb/s
${upspeedgraph eth0 00ff00 00ff00}
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color orange}${hr 2}
${color}London ${alignr}${tztime Europe/London %-I:%M %p}
Paris ${alignr}${tztime Europe/Paris %-I:%M %p}
Calcutta ${alignr}${tztime Asia/Kolkata %-I:%M %p}
Tokyo ${alignr}${tztime Asia/Tokyo %-I:%M %p}
Sydney ${alignr}${tztime Australia/Sydney %-I:%M %p}
Honolulu ${alignr}${tztime US/Hawaii %-I:%M %p}
Los Angeles ${alignr}${tztime America/Los_Angeles %-I:%M %p}
New York ${alignr}${tztime America/New_York %-I:%M %p}
${color orange}${hr 2}
--- Fin du code ---
--- Citation de: djohnston le 18 mars 2013 à 21:23:55 ---Here's the conkyrc used for DebWeb. It was based on one Taco.22 created with time zone displays. I changed some colors and added ZRAM usage display.
--- Fin de citation ---
Thats a nice one.
--- Citation de: djohnston le 18 mars 2013 à 21:12:49 ---The conkyrc is correct. On something as lean and mean as Crunchbang, the CPU will alternate between 0 and 1% at rest. That is normal. His screenshot just caught it at the 0% mark.
--- Fin de citation ---
I will have to take a look at this, she maybe correct as I am using my small Bobcat distro and not CB at the moment of this screen capture. It is based off of Madbox so I would think it should use more ram and CPU.
After a second look, she is right. You left out a set of curly braces. Here's mine:
${color}CPU: ${alignr}${cpu}%
Here's yours:
CPU usage:$alignr${cpu cpu0}%
Yours should be:
CPU usage:${alignr}${cpu cpu0}%
See if that works. If not, try:
CPU usage:${alignr}${cpu0 cpu1}%
I can't remember the syntax for displaying more than one CPU.
Nope, it is working as you can tell by this screenshot.
Screen shot 2013-03-18 at 2.10.17 PM by The Kona Express, on Flickr
I just can't do the 3 finger shuffle fast enough to get the screen shot before the CPU dumps down.
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