Auteur Sujet: Qt-shortcut-creator_0.3 (standalone shortcut creator)  (Lu 18059 fois)

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Hors ligne caymus

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Qt-shortcut-creator_0.3 (standalone shortcut creator)
« le: 22 mars 2013 à 20:30:14 »
Edited: 23/03/2013
Edited: 29/03/2013

Here I thought it would take time, but in reality not to much.

version 0.3 is ready & functional.

mélodie will post good links soon.

This application is standalone, no need lxshorcut or something else.

I need to optimize/customize Image Browser,  for the convenience of users, this will be the main working over revisions. (a preview image into the browser).

 I have to dig $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons and in /usr/share/pixmaps to see how they list all the images of different folders, in one place, and figure out how to use this with Qt.

Actualy, you need to browse yourself into each folders.

This is cleaner than the previous hack over lxshortcut.

if you suggest a name for the application let me know, give names this is not my cup of tea.

« Modifié: 29 mars 2013 à 17:54:03 par caymus »


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Re : Qt-shortcut-assistant_0.1 (stand alone shortcut creator)
« Réponse #1 le: 22 mars 2013 à 20:56:16 »
Shortcut....... :P


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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #2 le: 23 mars 2013 à 03:25:39 »
Both 32 and 64bit versions tested and working. For the name, how about just QtShortcut? It is a Qt app for creating shorcuts, no?

Or, you could call it "The Qt application for creating desktop and menu shortcuts, which is the same concept as lxshortcut, but has been updated and enhanced."


« Modifié: 23 mars 2013 à 03:28:22 par djohnston »


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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #3 le: 23 mars 2013 à 05:43:26 »
Formally known as Prince? Nice logo. :o


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Re : Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #4 le: 23 mars 2013 à 07:18:55 »
Formally known as Prince?

One and the same. I didn't know if anyone would recognize it. I had to look it up.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #5 le: 23 mars 2013 à 12:03:22 »

Didn't try it yet, will try it in the next OBUbuntu version (still a glitch I have to fix). The code is at the same place as the former one : now under Qt-shortcut-creator

Caymus, thanks a lot for your work!

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne caymus

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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #6 le: 23 mars 2013 à 12:17:49 »
Both 32 and 64bit versions tested and working. For the name, how about just QtShortcut? It is a Qt app for creating shorcuts, no?

Or, you could call it "The Qt application for creating desktop and menu shortcuts, which is the same concept as lxshortcut, but has been updated and enhanced."

Yes, indeed ^^

QT-shortcuts is already taken unfortunately, this may be ambiguous.
« Modifié: 23 mars 2013 à 12:19:39 par caymus »

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #7 le: 23 mars 2013 à 13:36:10 »
What is QT-shortcuts ? /never mind, I found it.

What about QTlauncher ?

« Modifié: 23 mars 2013 à 13:40:34 par mélodie »
Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.


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Hors ligne caymus

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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #9 le: 23 mars 2013 à 23:34:52 »
Already take on severals projects or modules on github or gitorious

do you understand now, why given names isnt my cup of tea ^^ ....
« Modifié: 24 mars 2013 à 00:43:49 par caymus »

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #10 le: 24 mars 2013 à 00:34:58 »
Already take on severals projects or modules on github or gitorious

do you understand now, why given names isnt my cup of the ^^ ....

I have two more propositions:

QTLxshortcut ; QTLxlauncher


Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.


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Re : Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.1 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #11 le: 24 mars 2013 à 03:32:31 »
Already take on severals projects or modules on github or gitorious

What might help is if we knew what names that might apply to your application are already taken.   ;)

Is there a list somewhere?


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Re : Qt-shortcut-creator_0.2 (standalone launcher creator)
« Réponse #12 le: 24 mars 2013 à 07:18:52 »
Then name it something silly like most Linux programers do, "Boonswaggle" sounds good to me.  :P Look it up, I dare ya. :o