Hey, my first customer! Can I interest you in a filesystem defragger? It's just €39.99 because it only works with the FAT32 filesystem. Or, how about a virus checker? It doesn't really do anything because it's unnecessary on a Linux system, but the interface is very pretty and it's only €19.99. And I'll throw in a telnet terminal for free!
Just kidding.
To add a keyboard shortcut, open the RazorQt Configuration Center by left clicking its icon just to the right of desktop4 button in the left side of the lower desktop panel. Left click the Razor Shortcut Configuration icon.
If you want to create a group description, double click the field with "New Group" in it.
I inserted the name "Terminal".
The next two steps can be done in any order. First, I double clicked the Command field and inserted "sakura". But you could insert "x-terminal-emulator" or the name of any other terminal executable.
Next, I double-clicked the Shortcut field, which leaves it looking kind of blurry, but says "None".
Last, but not least, press the key combination you want. In your case, it will be Super+t. I pressed Ctrl+t.
You're finished. It's pretty simple to assign a keyboard shortcut this way.