LinuxVillage welcome > Welcome!

Hi to all


Hi to all

My Name is groni
I work include this Year 10 Years with Linux and each Day make it more joy.
I'm 48 Years old, and since 6 Years retired.
I'm since 2 Years a Member of the Pisi Linux Team, meanwhile i'm the Project Manager of Pisi Linux

Hi groni,

I was a big fan of Pardus. Not a daily user, not even weekly, a big fan because it was new, smart and friendly for both user and developer, a sort of "debigentoobuntu". Pisi Linux creation was a great surprise after the sad loss of Pardus.

I wish a lot of happy days for you and Pisi Linux.

Retired at 42 years,  are you living in a parallel universe? :D

Hi Groni,

I hope you are well, and are progressing nicely with Pisi. We will have to see a full review and try it some time.

Best regards,

Hello to all
and sorry for the very late reaction from me

Thank you for the warm Welcome here
yes i live in a parallel Universe, i live first in Today, and as next in the Pisi Universe (cats have 7 Lives) :D
Nice to hear that you was a big Pardus Fan, and we try to growing Pisi Linux to the stand from Pardus.

Thank you i feel well, but it is a lot work to give support to a Linux Distribution but I have decided to help the Team, and what a groni promised that must a groni doing. I stand each Time behind my Words.

Big greetings from the sunny and warm Germany


Hello, very nice! Come meet some evening on our irc chan if you can.


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