Auteur Sujet: Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?  (Lu 59820 fois)

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Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #90 le: 24 janvier 2016 à 20:40:05 »
I added your css code to the end of style.css in the tabs-fun theme.
I also checked it validates ok.
Everything seems fine.
Did you want to apply the deja vu sans font everywhere, or only on user_info?

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #91 le: 24 janvier 2016 à 20:51:24 »
I added your css code to the end of style.css in the tabs-fun theme.
I also checked it validates ok.

I was already somewhere in the theme, where I had found it. You might need to check with the search feature of your editor.

Did you want to apply the deja vu sans font everywhere, or only on user_info?

Same thing, I don't know where it is elsewhere in the theme, in that one part, it was so:

{font-style: dejavu-sans;}

which as Stylish made me notice, was wrong.

Once you have finished creating the theme, we could probably ask someone keen with CSS to review it?

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Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #92 le: 24 janvier 2016 à 23:12:16 »
okay I have now found out what Stylish is.
It is a third party browser extension you have used client-side to over-ride the styles of the forum test page.
That explains how you styled my web page and took a screenshot (clever).
The wikipedia article on Stylish states
Stylish is often compared to Greasemonkey, another Mozilla extension that allows client-side manipulation of web pages.

I myself have always tried to avoid using Greasemonkey or similar 3rd party browser plugins.
Anyway you only used it to tinker with the styles at your end to get a nice appearance.
I don't have a problem with any suggested style changes and I also always write valid CSS, that is not a problem.
I validate my CSS using the W3C checker, which I trust to be correct and I have used it for many years.
I don't really want to complicate things by looking through 3rd party plugin additions to the CSS as that could become a nightmare. Be cautious about trusting 3rd party error messages, that might be due to interactions caused by the plugin.
So to keep it simple I would rather you show me a screenshot, like you did before (Stylish or no Stylish, I don't mind) and I will hand code the CSS to look the same.
You located the font code easily enough and now from that we know what to apply globally, if you want that font across the whole forum. I can do that.
Please check my updated forum test page (in a browser without Stylish modifying the stlye) and indicate any changes you would like and we can continue as before.
Hope this is ok.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #93 le: 25 janvier 2016 à 00:10:18 »

Yes, Stylish is a plugin which allows modifying on the client side, it allows to test how something would look. Believe me : when I saw the error message about "font-type", first thing I hit the page I have pointed you to to check, because I know there is a font-something else when it comes to the kind of font. That was "font-family", of course which was the right one. Then the name "dejavu-sans" seemed weird to me too.

No I don't want you to put "Dejavu Sans" everywhere on the forum, just at that place it was already in the code, as "dejavu-sans".

Stylish allows creating custom styles which can also be deactivated or activated on the fly with a check box. I deactivated it and looked at the actual look. Do you know what? It looks fine to me.

So how does that work? I can see in the source code several CSS, some from the default theme and some from the tabs-fun theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="print" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="compat_css" href="" />

Do you plan to make a standalone theme out of them?

PS: even if seeing the final install of the theme very close to us, it's not a reason for you not to take the rest you need… :-)

PS2: the CSS for tabs-fun has twice ".user_info" and ".user_info a" as said previously:

   position: absolute;
   top: 25px;
   right: 15px;

    text-align: center;
   padding: 5px 0 5px 0;
   color: #004272;
.user_info a
   color: #004272;

/* DropDownMenu */

and the one from my additions which you added at the end of the page. Perhaps would you want to merge them? Which in this case would mean the "color" property above should not be needed anymore? (If I understand some bits of CSS…  :P)

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Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #94 le: 25 janvier 2016 à 00:35:55 »
1. Too late I have changed all fonts in style.css of tabs-fun theme to Dejavu Sans.
Look again at the forum test page and see if it is alright (but for this test not 'through the lens' of Stylish).
2. In answer to you pointing out that there are many css style sheets:
Yes that is true and throughout the whole process through December and today I have been very careful to only modify the one stylesheet style.css in the tabs-fun theme.
3. It works by prioritizing style sheets. The theme's modified stylesheet has a higher priority and overrides the default style sheet wherever you need changes.
There are also specific PHP changes on PHP pages dotted throughout the thread and I have documented them all somewhere.
I will need to find them all and condense all the changes into one short list.
4. Yes I will do a simplification and merging to clean up the style sheet, I will do that last of all.
I hope that explains it for you.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #95 le: 25 janvier 2016 à 00:49:08 »
Hello Kevin,

Yes, it explains it all. Yes I have looked at the site with Stylish deactivated, as I told you it's easy to do, just a box to untick.

At all the places where you have changed the font for "Dejavu Sans", but not on the ".user_info" and ".user_info a" classes, it seems to me that before, there was a generic font after the main one, such as "Sans", perhaps? (Not everywhere either I guess).

Here is a test:

I must say, I do have Dejavu Sans installed in all my systems… I can't test without it right now.

I forgot to say: after I posted, the page didn't return to the post.

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Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #96 le: 25 janvier 2016 à 01:14:03 »
I forgot to say: after I posted, the page didn't return to the post.
That might be fixable by changing a setting in the forum admin. I will look tomorrow.

2. Yes I think we might need to adjust the font styles a bit so the pages look normal and consistent and are easy to read. We should do that next.
edit: or maybe leave it as it is for now. . . what do you think?

It is improving . . . I will need to do a final run through of testing all of the admin and user pages to see there are no problems.
Then write the list of steps to install it all.
Then do a test run of a fresh install.
Also let you look at the admin pages (you will need an admin account for that).
Then when you are happy . . . you can apply the changes to your forum.
« Modifié: 25 janvier 2016 à 01:23:09 par kjdixo »

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #97 le: 25 janvier 2016 à 22:10:06 »

I guess you will have to make a package? Best thing if you could put it inside the SMF repos. Anyway, I will look forward to seeing the newly installed test forum.

Thanks again for this beautiful work.

« Modifié: 25 janvier 2016 à 22:12:56 par melodie »
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Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #98 le: 26 janvier 2016 à 13:44:27 »
I look forward to helping you implement all of the changes in the next few days.
Sorry if  I make things seem complicated sometimes . . . it is very simple to do.
I need to collect my thoughts and notes and write a list.
It would be prudent for me to test everything by installing a 2nd forum (fresh install) on my website.
If that works then I will be 100% confident.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #99 le: 26 janvier 2016 à 23:17:31 »

Yes, I am looking forward to test the new test forum, and to install the new theme.  :)
Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #100 le: 30 janvier 2016 à 02:51:47 »

Instructions for installing on your website. . . please wait until tomorrow Saturday.

Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #101 le: 01 février 2016 à 10:01:43 »
You can try out the new style forum now if you like.
If there are problems then simply put it back how it was.
It might be a good idea for me to be online to answer questions and advise you whilst you implement it.
That means you won;t have to wait for answers.
I know you have installed Themes before and you know what to do.
So go ahead and install if you want to . . . when you are ready.
No hurry though.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #102 le: 01 février 2016 à 23:21:09 »

I'll sure try to put my head into it before the end of the week! Meawhile will try to call out the members of the forum for a look!

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #103 le: 09 février 2016 à 23:04:41 »
I see you uploaded the new style.
It looks good.
I will try posting a few items and check it out.
Maybe it is a little bright and 'loud', it can be made softer with softer borders and less pronounced colour differences.
I think it is a very good start and a good basis from which to apply further minor improvements.

Messages récents are not showing at the bottom of the index page.
Also I think the message bubble icons need renaming . . . off.png and on.png filenames need swapping I think.

I am enjoying using the new style it seems clearer and easier to read than the old style.
It is easier and faster to navigate through the topics IMHO.
« Modifié: 09 février 2016 à 23:39:17 par kjdixo »

Hors ligne kjdixo

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Re : Turning point for Linuxvillage and it's forum?
« Réponse #104 le: 09 février 2016 à 23:52:33 »
Recent Messages on Index page:
You need to go into ADMIN
To display 100 recent posts at bottom of index page. >'Administration Center'
Themes and Layout' >'Manage and Install'
Then select ... Configuration ... Current Theme ... Number of recent posts to
display on board index [text box] Set it to 100 and save.
Hope this helps

PS it is a little bit difficult to find . . . the text box has 0 as default value. Change to 100 and save.
There are two view modes in ADMIN, one has a list of categories on the left hand side.
The other view mode is drop down lists.
I prefer to use the list on the left hand side.

Well done . . . . . I see you fixed it !!!
« Modifié: 10 février 2016 à 00:05:53 par kjdixo »