LinuxVillage welcome > Rules and life of the forum

The multi site is ready for publishing

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The last ones who worked on the English side of the website are slystone for the translation of the "About" page, and pdurbin, who reviewed the text. Thanks to them both!

Due to recent spambot attempts to register, the registration are closed on, so if you are willing to publish just ask for a registration and I'll do it from the admin board of the website.


--- Citation de: mélodie le 25 juin 2013 à 14:07:23 ---Due to recent spambot attempts to register, the registration are closed on, so if you are willing to publish just ask for a registration and I'll do it from the admin board of the website.
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Publishing, as in a wiki?


--- Citation de: djohnston le 25 juin 2013 à 20:02:41 ---Publishing, as in a wiki?
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It would be more as in a website, where we can do the full presentations or our versions, or even talk about topics we want to talk about (all kinds of topics, as here in the forum, when talking about : security, privacy…).

In Wordpress new categories can be created on the fly when a new article is being written or about to be published, and an article can even belong to several categories, up to the person who writes it. We also have a SEO plugin which offers one more field with title and a summary of the post which is all sent to the main search engines when clicking to publish.

I am sure you have already seen Taco.22's post about the Villagebox version: LinuxVillage Distribution (en).

The post is now installed in the subsite which is all in English including the admin/edition board.

A wiki will also be made available, it's not forgotten, we just want to be sure to have one which will be easy to secure and which will last long.


--- Citation de: mélodie le 25 juin 2013 à 22:12:58 ---It would be more as in a website, where we can do the full presentations or our versions, or even talk about topics we want to talk about (all kinds of topics, as here in the forum, when talking about : security, privacy…).
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I don't understand the purpose, then. If registrations are closed, then it's not a forum, is it? It's just for advertising respins?


--- Citation de: djohnston le 26 juin 2013 à 00:14:14 ---I don't understand the purpose, then. If registrations are closed, then it's not a forum, is it? It's just for advertising respins?

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It is neither a wiki nor a forum.

The forum is here. The website is here: and the subsite is here:

The purpose is to have a website for the LinuxVillage members who want to post articles. And indeed the presentation of masters is a good idea, as it allows having a fixed place easy to find and to point to for each one.

It is also meant to announce main news whenever desired.

Other types of posts can also be published.

The registrations on the website will be done by asking (here) to register : I can't always go to the databases to remove spambots which don't even appear on the board as it happened a pair of days ago. (Got the notification mail but no new user was in, and then I found the two in the tables of the database).

Have you read the "About" page in the English side?


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