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Linux distro loading times.

<< < (2/2)

Let's get numbers!

For an ISO of 780 MB:
- Fast hard drive, loading time = 780 / 150 = 5.2 s
- Single SSD, loading time = 780 / 480 = 1.62 s
- Dual SSD RAID 0, copying time = 780 / 970 = 0.8 s

Nice but nobody copies ISO files all day long. So let's do it for an average 2.5 MB files

- Fast hard drive, 2.5 / 150 = 0.016 s
- Single SSD, 2.5 / 480 = 0.005 s
- Dual SSD RAID 0, 2.5 / 970 = 0.002 s

Is there a difference between a file loading in 0.005 second and a file loading in 0.002 second? It could be a difference in a huge network but not in desktop computer, even if you're a serious gamer.

Let's do charts because everybody loves charts.


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