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#! Welcome Script
I have been taking a look at #! Welcome scripts and though I do not know Python, I think I can mod them to work with one of the Openbox distros here at this site. It is just a step of scripts, one to the next so a dev could just use the ones he or she wants to use.
I thought it would be nice to give a user the option to choose between OO, LO and Abiword. Midori, Firefox and Cromium or Google Chrome or a choice of other apps .
Any opinions on this, it would help to keep the distro smaller I think.
Found all the scripts on git-hub, now the fun begins. I'm using village in space for this.
Well, looks like this is all a bunch of Bash scripts.
On advise frame a friend, Im going to try and do it in Python as this can be expanded on later and easily adapted for others to use.
--- Citation de: konaexpress le 15 mars 2013 à 15:54:16 ---On advise frame a friend, ...
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Who you gonna frame? :D
Can you post a link to the github page with the scripts?
--- Citation de: djohnston le 15 mars 2013 à 19:32:28 ---Who you gonna frame? :D
Can you post a link to the github page with the scripts?
--- Fin de citation ---
ooopppsss! Stupid auto correct on the iPad.
Here is a link to the Bash scripts.
Air (my friend) said that what I want to do can be done in Bash but he felt that by doing it in Python, it could be modified if needed and used for other things or just expanding it do do more. He has no axes to grind either way.
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