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Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #15 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 07:21:57 »
Melodie is working on the CAPTCHA thing. Please bear with us. A better solution will come.

The Gparted bit will confuse the heck out of new users though.

Do you mean the GParted program itself, or do you mean having to create and/or resize partitions?

The source list needs to be updated with the testing branch to get things like gdebi installed.

All of the sources have the testing branch enabled. However, you may be referring to this:

Taco.22, Is this a problem on my end or is the error message for that Australian repo valid? I don't know.

konaexpress, Uncheck the two Australian repos, scroll down the list and check the two US repos. You'll be all set. Again, all the sources in the list have the testing section enabled.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #16 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 07:32:16 »
Sorry about the repo - I meant to post about it in the Remaster thread.  It seems to have gone AWOL so just comment the au out and pick another.  I've had to change it on my main computer as well.  I'll see if there is a better au repo. 
What can go wrong !!!


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Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #17 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 10:56:20 »
Sorry about the repo

Not a problem. My own remaster got a little messy the last couple of days. I'm still trying to figure out how the whole apt setup works. For example, on my other machine, which is running wheezy, I get the following in Synaptic when I select sources.

There seems to be nothing special about /etc/apt/sources.list. It is only showing the US repo for binary and source and the security updates. But, when I click the "Download from:" button, I get two more choices.

Clicking the "Other" choice gives me the entire worldwide list of Debian servers.

I'm trying to figure out how that happens, because I sure don't have them all in a source list file in /etc/apt or in /etc/apt/sources.list.d. Maybe I get too hung up on little stuff like this. But, I like to try and get all the kinks I see out because someone else will find more. I've already finished all the menuing, program choices, app configs, etc. After this one thing I seem to be stuck on, I'll select a theme, set the GRUB splash screen, etc, etc. Then I can finally post a link to this thing.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #18 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 13:26:31 »
I blame melodie entirely for my problems regarding Synaptic. 

Back in the bad old days, when we were still young and innocent, the lost tribe of OB was given its marching orders, yea verily expelled,  from the fabled lands of PCLOS.  Banished, no less.  Lost and bewildered we trekked across the trackless wastes, stumbled through foreign forums and dabbled in mysterious distros.  Before you knew it the ways of Arch and Sabayon had infiltrated and bent our minds.  By the time we reached the Promised Land of Debian - well, speaking for myself of course, melodie was bewitched by the siren call of 'buntu and we lost her in the shadows - all thought of GUI had been banished and we were pupils of the command line.  Long live "apt-get", and his/her partner "apt-cache".  All worship the Terminal, and abide by the the vow of "--no-install-recommends".

Anyway, short story long - no idea about Synaptic anymore - haven't used it in ages.  Even removed it from Scorpio.

Oh, by the way, the "au" repo I'm now using is one I used to use a while ago -
## AU
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing main contrib non-free

It's a secondary mirror - don't know what happened to the Debian mirror - but this one is way faster.  It's actually my service provider as well, so it should be good!!  Well, service provider once removed - don't ask!

Anyway I'll probably include that in the next mini-upgrade, but maybe not as default - if you going to list a source it may as well work!     
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #19 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 16:54:59 »
Melodie is working on the CAPTCHA thing. Please bear with us. A better solution will come.

I just removed the 10 posts option as I have replaced it with another temporary setup which will be better for regular users: I have put admin approval to registering and posted at the smf forum to ask advice about 4 selected mods.

Thanks for your patience.

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #20 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 16:58:49 »
Not a problem. My own remaster got a little messy the last couple of days. I'm still trying to figure out how the whole apt setup works. For example, on my other machine, which is running wheezy, I get the following in Synaptic when I select sources.

Because you have one more package related. I have found that too in my former Ubuntu Openbox versions. The package should be...

apt-mirror-setup, or perhaps brought in by update-manager. You could find out by searching with "apt" keyword in descriptions at debian packages page:

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #21 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 17:07:14 »
I blame melodie entirely for my problems regarding Synaptic. 

Back in the bad old days, when we were still young and innocent, the lost tribe of OB was given its marching orders, yea verily expelled,  from the fabled lands of PCLOS.

Yes, that was easy for you, you just picked the Bonsai spin and started to work ! :D

I had prior to make a project at the community forum which then ceased suddenly to exist and oops ! all the work there lost and forgotten (not lost&found unfortunately), try to make an iso core from scratch, which I never succeded, got the one done by etjr, then started the real pain, from beginning July until September : several isos a day ! Then in September only the first test spin was ready. Then several months of daily work with the testers and more advanced users who helped debugging very critical issues.

I can still link to the thread... if you wish to look again, see at the bottom of this post:

Now about Synaptic, the one and unique provided by the Debian community, the best gui package manager tool ever ! It is way faster than the one adapted for apt-rpm, and has many more features, which I should show you if you need to, in the coming times ! Have a look into the different sections at the bottom left, if you haven't yet.

And you can install deborphan, add a filter for orphaned packages (this will work, provided you know a little your packages, unlike the rpmorphan packages from Mandriva which is likely to bring you to break the system) and you can remove all configuration files left after uninstalling packages. \o/ !

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #22 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 17:18:59 »
I'm a big fan of Synaptic but a funny thing happened when I started playing around with Arch and Sabayon - I found the command line approach to package management easier than through a GUI!  When I settled on Debian and got back with Synaptic I was curious about apt-get and learned about that.  Now I do everything through apt-get and apt-cache, including stuff that I could never figure out how to do through Synaptic.  The one word of warning here is that what I've read here and there suggests that you use one or the other, and not to mix them - things have the potential to get messy.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #23 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 17:57:41 »
No, Synaptic is a frontend to apt package management. I have been using either or during years, without any issue whatsoever.

What you must not use together are apt-get and aptitude. I have tried aptitude, which I find overly complicated! For any package you install, it submits different schemes, with probabilities : I really dislike this program.

Back to apt-get and Synaptic : Synaptic is more practical for finding packages, applications, than "apt-cache search" is, and also it allows filtering by size to be able to find out what packages use the more space, and which you can get rid off without danger for the system.

The command line tools are much lighter on resources, and faster to start useing, therefore I always prefer them on low resource machines, and when I know what package I want to install.

There is another cli frontend you might want to try, it is wajig. Very good for doing things which you don't know what command line is needed. See here:

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.


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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #24 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 18:06:33 »
@ Djohnstomn

I meant that new users will have problems with the Gparted app as it is not very intuitive, not all I should say. I had to play with it a bit to make the needed swap partition. You would think that Debian would have made a better installer by now that just works for new users with a default install and an advanced button.

The best installer I have seen so far was for Pardus, that was dang nice but it is written in Python I think. I like the Mint installer but not sure how it is to work with.

Now I am off to think up a name and then graphics for my little


Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #25 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 18:22:17 »

Project name "kona-express-project" ?

The installer from Village RC2 and following is the one provided by Remastersys and is not that difficult. If you compare with Ubiquity, the Ubuntu installer, I would say that it is perhaps more simple regarding the partitioning part, and also is very much lighter on resource!

And there is a fantastic howto at the gparted website, in all languages, as html, pdf, and even with screenshots. Once used to it Gparted is very easy and intuitive. Anyhow newcomers don't even know what a partition is !

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.


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Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #26 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 19:05:17 »

 Anyhow newcomers don't even know what a partition is !

This kinda supports what I just said...........


Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #27 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 19:44:01 »
This kinda supports what I just said...........

And wouldn't you expect people not knowing what a partition is, to avoid installing an operating system without the help of someone qualified ?

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.


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Re : Re : Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #28 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 20:18:07 »
Because you have one more package related. I have found that too in my former Ubuntu Openbox versions. The package should be...

apt-mirror-setup, or perhaps brought in by update-manager. You could find out by searching with "apt" keyword in descriptions at debian packages page:

Well, I took the cue and searched for apt in **gasp** Synaptic. From the description, I think apt-mirror-setup is for setting up a repository. Anyway, the package providing that gui is python-apt. Works a charm.


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Re : Re : Start New Project
« Réponse #29 le: 30 janvier 2013 à 20:21:39 »
Back in the bad old days, when we were still young and innocent, the lost tribe of OB was given its marching orders, yea verily expelled,  from the fabled lands of PCLOS.  Banished, no less.  Lost and bewildered we trekked across the trackless wastes, stumbled through foreign forums and dabbled in mysterious distros.  Before you knew it the ways of Arch and Sabayon had infiltrated and bent our minds.  By the time we reached the Promised Land of Debian - well, speaking for myself of course, melodie was bewitched by the siren call of 'buntu and we lost her in the shadows - all thought of GUI had been banished and we were pupils of the command line.  Long live "apt-get", and his/her partner "apt-cache".  All worship the Terminal, and abide by the the vow of "--no-install-recommends".

Taco.22 is waxing poetic. I like it!