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Discourse by Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.

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--- Citation de: konaexpress le 29 mars 2013 à 06:25:57 ---I have never used the IRC groups, hope it is nothing like the mail groups/lists. Hate them with a passion
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Rest assured that IRC is nothing like email. :)

It's a chat room, basically. Here's a chat I had with mélodie about the Anita Borg Institute:

I dunno, I just posted to,241.0 which is already three pages long and I was somewhat annoyed about having to click next a couple times. All I could think was, "this conversation easily could have taken place faster over IRC and would have been easily fit on a single page of logs without people having to click  next to read it."

Also, I do understand that SMF (and other forum software) continues to evolve, as mélodie said. I just don't find the user experience of forums satisfying, usually.

The other thing I think a lot about is data liberation. If you click that crimsonfu link above you'll see a line from GitHub191. That's me grabbing the latest IRC logs and storing them on GitHub. The idea here is that I can (and do) pull down the entire history of the logs and grep through them for some conversation I remember. And the logs available for anyone who wants them. I want people to feel confident that if they contribute to an IRC channel of mine, they can get their words, their data, out of it.

Actually, I recently started another IRC channel dedicated to the topic of data liberation and owning your words:

The other problem with forums is that they let me ramble on. ;)

IRC is more like Twitter. You get maybe twice or three times as many characters per line, but that's it. It focuses people. :)

This thread is trying to run out of topic, and no use for many pages here then. ;)  *

About topics which have been read or not on the forum, you can do it partly here too: at the top of each index... "mark as read" or such "marquer comme lu" for me, exemple here.

For all members who use the classic theme, they can see at the top left several entries related to new topics : the ones appeared since 12, 24, and 72 hours I think. (I use a dark one which was not modified yet... would need someone who codes in php to do it, perhaps).

Then you can also look at "new posts since your last visit", and at the bottom left when you are at the main index, all the posts since the last one. These two have for links:

and just below the "unread" link which is at top left, you also have "answers to your messges":

* I'll open a new related topic right now : IRC versus forums : Forums versus IRC chans


--- Citation de: mélodie le 29 mars 2013 à 13:18:53 ---I'll open a new related topic right now : IRC versus forums : Forums versus IRC chans

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Thanks. I see on that post you talk about forums and I wanted to comment on something you said...

--- Citer ---Forums : answers are slower to get, divided in topics relevant to what the people want to communicate about, the types and number of categories is not frozen, we can add more if the people of the forum feel there is a need for that.
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I very much appreciate how willing mélodie is to change the categories as needed but to bring this thread back to Discourse, one of the nice features it claims at is"categories that grow with you":

--- Citer ---The massive, obligatory list of subcategories that every new forum user is presented with when they visit the forum homepage is an obstacle.

Categories are optional at Discourse; you can either opt to make categories mandatory and the category page the default homepage of your forum, or you can go with the simple, default list of topics and let categories naturally evolve as your forum grows.
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Anyway, I'm new here and I'm not trying to disparage the system you're using. I think it's fine. mélodie, I wonder though, if your buddy who set this up has heard of Discourse and what he thinks about it.

I don't know but when we will have our blog ready for several languages, you can register there and post a full article about this subject if you want to.

Taco.22 has already managed to post an article, even if the editor section he wrote in has the menus in French. (LinuxVillage Distribution (en) )


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