Questions En > Graphics / Artwork

Linux Village



     Not sure what thread that the background  Melodie posted is in (we kinda go off topic real easy around here) but I think I can work with it. It is a bit more blue than I was thinking but it is still a good blue to work with. I don't do CSS so this will have to be a mash-up of GTK themes and color pallets and icon sets that the community can agree on. Logos and things like that, I should be able to handle OK.

So start posting ideas as this is your distro...........


Here is the last pic I had posted:

Bigger here:

and it comes from the Blubuntu-wallpapers package.

The very latest Ubuntu Openbox Remix has Bento for name, although it is not yet your Bento artwork in it. :)

If you have spare space and want to test, it, and why not perhaps work directly in it, it is here:

I have tested it in Virtualbox, while I had installed RC7 in a T30.

I had done RC8 since, and this one redone several times. A glitch : volumeicon has gnome-alsamixer while it is alsamixer-gui which is installed. And it is up to date, with a CD burner added.

If this color suits you as a basis, this is fine for me. The Blubuntu wallpaper sits in /usr/share/backgrounds and is only 1600x1200 as a size. You might need to start from scratch, even if you decided to take it as a first idea ?


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